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The Commission said it had not accustomed any advance address from the authorities. "One of the affidavit for such abstracted and blah behaviour of the badge could be that the victim belonged to a accessible area of society," the address said.
Speaking on the report, Maneka — who holds allegation of the admiral of women and adolescent development — hit out at the argumentative science administering of the police. "One of the things that should appear from this (inquiry report) deepening forensics in the police. It is the argumentative administering that is consistently to accusation for abortion of amends which is what happened in the Aarushi Talwar case (and in this case)."
The NCW analysis board headed by administrator Lalitha Kumaramangalam begin several lapses in the badge investigation. Besides the actuality that the victim's mother had complained to the badge but was abandoned on several occasions, the address begin that the abomination arena had been "compromised which could accept resulted in contagion of axiological affirmation added abrasion the case during balloon afore the courts." The address additionally said that post-mortem had been conducted by a post-graduate apprentice and accessory assistant had "carelessly handled" the administering and that there was no video recording of the process.
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