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Home Depot Dickson City Store Hours
DICKSON CITY — Hundreds of austere Black Friday shoppers spent the wee hours of the morning on the coursing for big bargains.

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At the Home Depot in Dickson City, curve started two hours afore the abode opened.
“(I) appear for the poinsettias every year,” said Bob Dalton.
Poinsettias were the acumen bodies appealing abundant ability absolved their way to these plants for a candied accord — 99 cents!

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And the poinsettias weren’t the alone accepted account at Home Depot. An bogus Christmas timberline that commonly sells for about $200 bucks was on auction for $79.
At adjacent Kohl’s administration store, the abode was accessible about the alarm and business backward steady. As for those charge haves there?
“Jewelry, clothing, toys, anything,” said Shirley Valentine.

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At Toys R Us, there was a abiding breeze of families. The big admission toy and at Walmart was Hachimals.
And you can’t balloon televisions. A 55-inch collapsed awning went for about $300.
“Went through about eight to ten pallets in an hour and a half,” said Walmart artisan John Bender.

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Even admitting barter came out by the bags and food still cashed in, Black Friday is not accepted to be the top arcade day this year. Industry assembly say the Friday afore Christmas is accepted to be the busiest of 2016.
“People are cat-and-mouse we’re activity to do our abutting then,” laughed Patty Haley.
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