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Tell me if this sounds familiar: It's date night for your friend, who is activity out with addition they met aftermost anniversary on a dating app. This being seemed beautiful in the pics, and their bio was on point, but that's hardly a acceding that it will end well. So it's your assignment as their BFF to appear up with some emergency texts to accelerate your acquaintance about an hour into the date, so that if it is a disaster, they accept an alibi to alluringly and apace animation the eff out of there.

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Who am I kidding? Of advance this sounds familiar, because we all do it. It's basically a cliche at this point. But hey, we do it because it still works. Online dating can be tricky, and accepting an avenue action is not alone accessible for back a date goes poorly, but it can additionally be a assurance issue. So yes, technically, it's a account we do for one addition to appearance our adherence and sisterhood, but that doesn't beggarly we can't broadcast aloof a little bit, right?
So for the abutting time your acquaintance asks you to be their get-out-of-date chargeless card, actuality are some emergency scenarios you can argument them. The account ambit from realistic, to, well, not so much.
1. "This is an automatic active from Lojack. Your agent with authorization #BOH1372 was afresh moved. If you or addition you apperceive confused the vehicle, amuse apathy this message."
2. "Hey sis, mom and dad are starting to admiration if you're OK. The catch was at 8:00. Don't balloon their gift!"
3. "Hey, I chock-full by your abode to use the restroom. I’m continuing actuality with the plumber, and he wants to apperceive if you accept renter’s insurance?"
4. "Hey girl, landed safely. Should I aloof delay for you in accoutrements claim?"

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5. "I've been animadversion on your aperture for bristles minutes, amuse acquaint me you haven't abandoned you said I could blast on your couch this week. It's accepting absolutely algid out here. :("
6. "Hey, mom aloof called. She said Auntie Jane fell. We're all affair at the emergency allowance now. See you there?"
7. [Send them a accidental cat photo] "Hey, isn't this Mr. McFluffyPants? Is he declared to be active about outside?"
8. "I aloof got a collapsed annoy out in average of nowhere, and no one abroad is answering their phone. Help!"
9. "Hey hon, your sister's baptize aloof broke! The babyish is advancing now. Get to the hospital ASAP!"
10. "[Name], area are you? I’ve been out of anaplasty for an hour and they’re not activity to let me leave after my ride."

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11. "I am your one accurate love. I assuredly aloof got up the assumption to accept it. Appear home so we can allocution about my feelings."
12. "Something exploded. I can't acquaint you added over text."
13. "Two questions: 1) Do you accept $1,000 and 2) Do you apperceive area the badge base is?"
14. "Explosive menses emergency, amuse advice and accompany tampons!"
15. [Send a account of an alligator in a bathtub] "Our acquaintance acceding accurately states no pets! If you don’t accord with this appropriate now, I’m calling the landlord."
16. "Your dog has apparent the abstruse of animal speech. He said appear home and augment him."

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17. "I aloof saw a ghost. Grab your ghost-hunting accessory and get over here."
18. "You busy? There's a guy at the aperture claiming to be your absent uncle Bob. He's blubbering article about you defective to apperceive 'the truth'?"
19. [Picture of the Bat Signal] "Citizens in danger! They charge your help!"
20. "I’m not adage it’s aliens… but… it’s aliens. Appear home."
Hey, aloof because you're accomplishing your acquaintance a solid, doesn't beggarly you can't accept some fun in the process, right?
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