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Home Depot Mt Vernon Bakersfield Ca
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GR:CR:LathropHD: Violet E. CoxHD: Constant S.J. County residentViolet Elliott Cox, 82, of Lathrop died Monday in a Manteca hospital. Built-in inLockeford, Mrs. Cox was a constant citizen of San Joaquin County and lived inLathrop for the accomplished 27 years. She was a homemaker for 57 years. She was amember and accomplished Sunday academy for the Lathrop Brethren Abbey in Lathrop.She additionally was a affiliate of the Lathrop Senior Citizen Club.
Survivors: children, Beverly Laffranchi of Manteca and Rick Elliott ofValley Springs; stepchildren, Darrel Cox and Carmen Smith, both of Lathrop,and Mary Jane Coffey of Manteca; sister, Hazel Bacchete of Pleasanton; fourgrandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Services: 11 a.m. today, P.L. Fry & Son Funeral Home, 290 N. Union Road,Manteca. Visitation: 9 to 11 a.m. today. Interment: Park View Cemetery,Manteca. Memorials: Arthritis Foundation, Northeastern Branch, 2422 Arden Way,Sacramento, CA 95825.
LodiHD: Karen S. HansenHD: Retired businesswomanKaren S. Hansen, 90, of Lodi died Tuesday in a Lodi ambulatory hospitalfollowing a diffuse illness. Mrs. Hansen was built-in in Gorlev, Denmark, whereshe was aloft and abounding schools. Afterwards she affiliated in 1932, she confused toLos Gatos. She again lived in Oakland for a abbreviate aeon afore affective to Lodiin 1938.
Mrs. Hansen and her husband, Henry, founded and operated Richmaid Ice CreamCo. Fountain and Restaurant in 1938. Afterwards she co-owned Karens Fountain indowntown Lodi from 1942 to 1948. She retired in 1975.
She abounding Salem United Methodist church, was a lifetime affiliate and pastpresident of the Lodi Soroptimist Club, was a affiliate and accomplished admiral of theBusiness and Professional Womens Club and was a affiliate of the Lodi GardenClub, Womens Club of Lodi and Childrens Home Society of Sacramento.
Survivors: husband, Henry A. Hansen of Lodi; sister, Bennedikte Lewis ofDenmark; brother, Christian Hansen of Denmark; and abundant nieces andnephews.
Services: 10 a.m. Friday, Lodi Funeral Home, 725 S. Fairmont Ave.Visitation: apex to 8 p.m. today and 8 to 10 a.m. Friday. Committal: LodiMemorial Cemetery. Memorials: Soroptimist Sunshine Trail, P.O. Box 741, Lodi,CA 95241.
MantecaHD: Elizabeth H. EdmondsonHD: Retired teacherElizabeth H. Edmondson, 87, of Manteca died Wednesday in a Mantecaconvalescent hospital. A built-in of Jonesboro, Ark., Mrs. Edmondson was aresident of Manteca for 46 years. She retired afterwards 26 years as an elementaryschool abecedary and aftermost accomplished fourth brand at Goldenwest Elementary Academy inManteca for 16 years.
Survivors: children, Jack Smith of Manteca and Maxine R. Handel of RedBluff; stepchildren, Lora Meidinger and Donna Tomlinson, both of Stockton;siblings, Christine Mack of Mountain View and Imogene Hammon of Phoenix; 12grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.
Services: 10 a.m. Friday, P.L. Fry and Son Funeral Home, 290 N. Union Road,Manteca. Visitation: — to 6 p.m. today in the mortuary. Burial: Park ViewCemetery.
Memorial: Sierra Childrens Home, c/o Northside Abbey of Christ, 660 N.Lincoln, Manteca, CA 95336.
RiponHD: William RodenburgHD: Retired barter driverWilliam Rodenburg, 75, of Ripon died of accustomed causes Tuesday in a Modestomedical center. Built-in in the Netherlands, Mr. Rodenburg was a citizen of Riponfor 16 years. He was a barter disciplinarian for Lone Star Industries for 22 years anda affiliate of First Christian Reformed Abbey in Ripon.
Survivors: wife, Wilhelmina Rodenburg of Ripon; children, Nella L. Dorndosof Federal Way, Wash., Ellen Joanne Young of San Leandro, Arie J. Rodenburg ofBoardman, Ore., William T.C. Rodenburg of Oakland and John P. Rodenburg andCarl H. Rodenburg, both of Ripon; siblings, Nicolaas Rodenburg, CarelRodenburg and Maagje Van Halm, all of the Netherlands; and eightgrandchildren.
Services: 10 a.m. Friday, Deegan Ripon Canonizing Chapel, 111 S. Palm Ave.Visitation: 2 to 7 p.m. today in the chapel. Burial: Ripon Cemetery.Memorials: Ripon Christian Schools, 435 N. Mapel Ave., Ripon, CA 95366.StocktonHD: Elessa AdamsHD: CustodianElessa Adams, 69, of Stockton died Friday at home. A built-in ofMansfield, La., Mr. Adams was a 49-year Stockton resident. He was a custodianfor Teds Meat Packing Co.
Survivors: children, Nathaniel S. Adams of Stockton, Earl L. Adams ofStockton and Mary L. Adams of Oakland; three grandchildren; and onegreat-grandchild.
Services: 10 a.m. today, Jackson-McKnight Funeral Home, 2118 E. LafayetteSt. Visiation: 8 to 10 a.m. today. Burial: Valley Home Cemetery.
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HD: Patrick K. BakerHD: MachinistPatrick Kelly Baker, 35, of Stockton died of accustomed causes Monday in aStockton hospital. A built-in and constant citizen of Stockton, Mr. Baker was amachinist for Sharpe Army Depot for 15 years. He was a affiliate of AmericanLegion Ed Stewart Post No. 803.
Survivors: wife, Veronica Baker of Stockton; children, Jacqueline Baker andSteven Baker, both of Stockton; father, Donald Baker of Stockton; and brother,Allen Baker of Stockton.
Services: memorial, 11 a.m. Friday, Wallace-Martin Funeral Home, 520 N.Sutter St. Committal: private.
HD: Elfredia BuchananHD: Grandmother of 85Elfredia Buchanan, 86, of Stockton died Sunday in a Stockton hospital. Anative of Texas, Mrs. Buchanan lived in Stockton for 29 years. She was ahomemaker.
Survivors: children, L.B. Mosley of Los Angeles, Earnest J. Washington Sr.of Vallejo, Napoleon Washington Sr. of Merced, Lillie M. Prelow of Houston,Willie R. Williams of San Francisco and Barbara Davis and Bonnie Cash, both ofStockton; 85 grandchildren; and 30 great-grandchildren.
Services: — p.m. Friday, Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, 1042 East 10th St.Visitation: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today, Jesse E. Cooley Jr. Funeral Chapel, 640N. California St. Committal: Valley Home Canonizing Park, Oakdale.
HD: Terri I. CastnerHD: Lab secretaryTerri Irene Castner, 26, of Stockton died Monday in a Davis hospitalfrom injuries abiding in a motorcycle blow Saturday abreast Pine Grove inAmador County.
Miss Castner was built-in in Santa Maria and accelerating from St. Joseph HighSchool in 1986. She was a lab secretary for St. Josephs Medical Centermost inStockton for the accomplished two years.
Survivors: parents, Ellis and Gaynell Castner of Oxnard; sister, CarlaWerking of Sacramento; fiance, Robin Greinsen of Stockton; and grandparents,Gaynell and Harry Leeper of Galax, Va.
Services: 11 a.m. Saturday, Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel, 1239Longbranch Ave., Grover Beach. Burial: Arroyo Grande Cemetery, Arroyo Grande.
HD: Edna M. DahlHD: Retired managerEdna Martha Dahl, 79, of Stockton died Monday in a Stockton convalescenthospital. A built-in of North Dakota, Mrs. Dahl was a 49-year Stockton resident.
She retired afterwards 31 years as a administrator of the cadre appointment for theCalifornia State Hospital. She was a affiliate of Faith Lutheran Church.
Survivors: husband, Arlie Dahl of Stockton; daughter, Judy Hook of FairOaks; three grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Services: memorial, apex Friday, Faith Lutheran Church, 3645 N. El DoradoSt. Visitation: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today, Wallace-Martin Funeral Home, 520 N.Sutter St. Committal: private. Memorials: in Mrs. Dahls memory, FaithLutheran Church, 3645 N. El Dorado St., Stockton, CA 95204.
HD: Roy M. FordHD: U.S. Navy veteranRoy Milton Ford, 84, of Stockton died Sunday in a Stockton hospital. Anative of Sioux City, Iowa, Mr. Ford grew up in Sioux City and abutting the U.S.Navy in 1927. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and in the KoreanWar afore backward in 1953.
After his retirement, Mr. Ford formed in the auto industry inMichigan, Ohio and afterwards in the Bay Area. He again retired from General Motorsin 1976 afore affective to Stockton in 1991. He was a affiliate of Fleet ReserveBranch No. 101 Santa Clara and abounding First Christian Abbey in Stockton.
Survivors: wife, Betty J. Ford of Stockton; children, Michael Ford ofDowning and Paul Ford and Joy Ford; stepchildren, Stephen Ryder and MelodyFlanders, both of Stockton, Michael Ryder of Fremont and Sheryl Blackburn ofLancaster; siblings, Chris Ford, Virgil Ford and Elaine Brown, all of SiouxCity, Iowa, Aletha Small of Washington and Hazel Ford of California; 17grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.
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Services: memorial, 11 a.m. Saturday, First Christian Church, 1234 WilliamMoss Blvd. Burial: private. Mortuary: Rochas Mortuary, Lodi.
HD: Johnnie L. FranklinHD: Retired electrical mechanicJohnnie Lee Franklin, 64, of Stockton died Sunday in a San Franciscoveterans hospital. A built-in of Idabel, Okla., Ms. Franklin lived in Stocktonfor 13 years. He retired afterwards 15 years as an electrical auto mechanicfor General Motors Co. in Los Angeles. During World War II, he served in theU.S. Army.
Survivors: wife, Marguerita Franklin of Stockton; children, Valdez Franklinand John Franklin Jr., both of Stockton, Dias Franklin of Blueriver, Ore.,Timothy Franklin of Oceana, Renee Jenkins of Manteca, Letha Franklin of LosAngeles and Norma Townsell of Coupeville, Wash.; 15 grandchildren; and onegreat-granddaughter.
Services: — p.m. Friday, Thompson Canonizing Chapel, 435 S. Wilson Way.Visitation: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. Committal: Cherokee Canonizing Park, Lodi.
HD: Ralph J. LenciHD: Retired barter driverRalph Jon Lenci, 79, of Stockton died Tuesday at home. A built-in andlifelong citizen of Stockton, Mr. Lenci was a low-bed disciplinarian forapproximately 30 years and was active by Claude C. Wood Co. above-mentioned to hisretirement.
During World War II, he served in the U.S. Army. He was a affiliate of Sons inRetirement, the Stockton Mens Bowling Association Hall of Fame and St. JohnsEpiscopal Abbey and was admiral of the 700 Club.
Survivors: wife, Denisse B. Lenci of Stockton; son, David B. Lenci ofStockton; sister, Lena Nave of Stockton; and two granddaughters.
Services: 11 a.m. Friday, St. Johns Episcopal Church, E. Miner Avenue andN. El Dorado Street. Visitation: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. today, DeYoung ShorelineChapel, 7676 Shoreline Drive. Committal: Stockton Rural Cemetery. Memorials:Hospice of San Joaquin, 2609 E. Hammer Lane, Stockton, CA 95210
HD: Jack MakedonskyHD: Retired electricianJack Makedonsky, 80, of Stockton died of accustomed causes Monday in aWalnut Creek ambulatory hospital. A built-in of North Dakota, Mr. Makedonskylived in Hemet and South Gate afore affective to Stockton bristles years ago. Heretired afterwards 30 years as an electrician and was affiliated with theInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union.
Survivors: wife, Doris Makedonsky of Stockton; children, Marian Marquardtof Danville, Anne Weinberg of Walnut Creek and Jack Makedonsky Jr. of Phoenix;six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Services: private. Burial: Waterloo, Iowa. Mortuary: Affordable MortuaryServices, Walnut Creek. Memorials: Alzheimers Association, 800 San AntonioRoad No. 2, Palo Alto, CA 94303.
HD: Emily F. MazeHD: HomemakerEmily Florence Maze, 57, of Stockton died July 5 in a Sacramentohospital from injuries abiding in an auto accident. A built-in ofMichigan, Mrs. Maze was a 49-year Stockton resident. She was a homemaker.
Survivors: children, Gary Chipman of Stockton, Jackson Mallett, BillyMallett and Vernon Mallett, all of Porterville, and Barbara Mallett and BrendaMallett, both of Little Rock, Ark.; brothers, Harlen Elam of Sacramento,William Elam of Oroville and Johnny R. Elam of Stockton; sister, Sally A. Elamof Stockton; and 20 grandchildren.
Services: — p.m. today, Jesse E. Cooley Jr. Funeral Services, 640 N.California St. Visitation: none. Committal: Valley Home Canonizing Park,Oakdale.
HD: John PoulosHD: Barter driverJohn Poulos, 69, of Stockton died of accustomed causes Tuesday at home. Anative of California, Mr. Poulos was a citizen of Stockton for 28 years afterliving in Manteca for 41 years.
He was a barter disciplinarian for Cecchini Trucking Company. He was a affiliate of theStockton Rod & Gun Club, a allotment affiliate of the California Striped BassAssociation in Stockton and served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1943 to 1947.
Survivors: wife, Jeanette Poulos of Stockton; children, Jeffery Poulos andJerald Poulos, both of Manteca, and Joseph Poulos of Escalon; stepchildren,Janet Neagle and Michael Baty, both of Stockton, and Barry Homan of Michigan;brothers, Constantine Poulos of Manteca, George Poulos of San Diego and JamesPoulos of Carmel Valley; and 16 grandchildren.
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Services: trisagion, 7 p.m. today, P.L. Fry & Son Chapel, 290 N. Union Rd.,Manteca. Funeral, 2 p.m. Friday in the chapel. Visitation: 2 to 7 p.m. todayin the mortuary. Burial: Park View Cemetery, Manteca.
HD: Henry Price Sr.HD: World War II Army veteranHenry Price Sr., 73, of Stockton died Saturday in a Stockton hospital. Anative of Louisiana, Mr. Price lived in Stockton for 39 years. He wassupervisor of the custodians for San Joaquin Delta College for about 14 years.During World War II, he served in U.S. Army. He was a affiliate of Greater FaithMissionary Baptist Church.
Survivors: children, Henry Price Jr., Dianne Price and Charlene Chalk, allof Stockton; siblings, Lucille Bell and Ruby Wilkinson, both of Las Vegas,Jesse Price of Bakersfield and Morris Price of Baton Rouge, La.; and twograndchildren.
Services: — p.m. today, Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church, 345 W.Worth St. Visitation: 9 to 11:30 a.m. today, Jackson-McKnight Funeral Home,2118 E. Lafayette St. Burial: Stockton Rural Cemetery.
HD: Walter L. SimmonsHD: Computer-science teacherWalter Laurence Larry Simmons, 48, of Stockton died of accustomed causesTuesday at home. A built-in of Indiana, Mr. Simmons came to Stockton 14 yearsago from Indiana. He was a computer-science abecedary for assorted employers.
Survivors: none immediate.
Services: private. Committal: private. Mortuary: Frisbie-Warren & CarrollMortuary.
HD: Elvira G. VarotHD: Great-grandmother of 67Elvira G. Varot, 87, of Stockton died Tuesday in a Stockton hospital. Anative of Sanderson, Texas, Mrs. Varot acclimatized in Stockton 41 years ago. Shewas a homemaker.
Survivors: husband, Rev. Ralph Varot of Stockton; children, Manerva Rochaof Bakersfield, Anita Rodriguez, Rebecca Ruiz, Erminia Rivas, RichardHernandez, Eloisa Hernandez, Alex Hernandez, Alfredo Hernandez, ReinaldoRodriguez and Daniel Hernandez, all of Stockton, Charlie Rogers of Merkel,Texas, Elvira Hernandez of Mabton, Wash., and Olga Brewer of Lathrop;brothers, Ignacio Galindo of Concord and Julian Galindo of Los Banos; 55grandchildren; 67 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren.
Wake: 7 p.m. today, Frisbie-Warren & Carroll Mortuary, 809 N. CaliforniaSt. Services: 10 a.m. Friday. Visitation: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. Committal:Stockton Rural Cemetery.
HD: Artie WilsonHD: HomemakerArtie Wilson, 81, of Stockton died Monday in a Stockton convalescenthospital. A built-in of Norwood, Mo., Mrs. Wilson was a 39-year Stocktonresident. She was a homemaker for 35 years and a affiliate of Big Valley BibleChurch in Lodi.
Survivors: son, James W. Tetrick Jr. of Stockton.
Services: graveside, 10 a.m. Friday, Hillcrest Cemetery, Mountain Grove,Mo. Mortuary: Wallace-Martin Funeral Home.
HD: Ora L. YostHD: Great-grandmother of 18Ora Lillian Yost, 91, of Stockton died Tuesday in a Stocktonconvalescent hospital. Built-in in Farmington, Mrs. Yost was a brood of thepioneer Murphy and Gorham families.
She was a constant citizen of San Joaquin County and lived in Stockton for80 years. During the 1950s, Mrs. Yost formed in the mail allowance of The StocktonRecord. She was a homemaker and a affiliate of the Rainbow Rebekah Lodge anddrill team.
Survivors: children, Loren McCrimmon, Roy Yost and Leland Yost, all ofStockton, and Marilyn Haro of Lodi; 10 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren;and bristles great-great-grandchildren.
Graveside: private. Mortuary: Wallace-Martin Funeral Home. Memorials: to afavorite charity.
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