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12 X 20 Canopy Home Depot

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Pet aliment pantry
The Pet Aliment Pantry of Eastern North Carolina accepts pet aliment and clutter to accord to beggared pet owners the additional Sunday of anniversary ages and to accommodate to pet owners through the Council on Aging Meals on Wheels program. Bead off items at 408 W. Arlington Blvd., B-1, host a pet aliment drive or accomplish a donation at www.petfoodpantryenc.org.
Book signing
Ed Adams, columnist of “Trusting God Through Cancer: A Collection of Blight Survivor Stories of Faith and Hope” will assurance copies of his book at 2 p.m. at Barnes & Noble, 3040 Evans St. A allocation of the gain from the auction of the book will be donated to Riley’s Army, an alignment that provides abutment to accouchement with blight and their families in Eastern North Carolina. Contact Kimber Stone at 919-608-8421 or kimber@rileysarmy.com.
Blues concert

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The Winterville Historical and Arts Society will present accompanist and songwriter Ross Sermons in an Authentic Blues and Americana concert at 3 p.m. at the Winterville Depot, 219 Worthington St., Winterville. Admission is free, but donations are encouraged to armamentarium added concerts of this type. Contact John C. Relford at 756-9154 or jecrelford@suddenlink.net.
Museum accessible house
The Winterville Museum in the Cox-Ange House, 2543 Church St., holds accessible abode from 3-5 p.m. on the additional Sunday of every month. It houses artifacts and displays that reflect the history of Winterville and Pitt County. Admission is chargeless but donations are appreciated.
River Ramble
River Park North, 1000 Mumford Road, will host a 5K aisle run and airing at 4 p.m. Registration begins at 2 p.m. Chargeless boating, fishing, campfires and music afore and afterwards the run. Registration is $20 in beforehand and $25 on chase day. Visit www.RunTheEast.com. Call 329-4560.

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Coming Up
STOP session
A affair of the STOP (Stop the Opioid Pandemic) alternation will be captivated from 7-9 p.m. Monday at First Presbyterian Church, 1400 S. Elm St. Refreshments will be provided.The alternation is sponsored by the Pitt County Coalition on Substance Abuse, the Vidant Health Foundation and the Pitt County Sheriff’s Department. Call 328-2827 or email pccsa@ecu.edu.
Sierra Club meeting
The Cypress Group of the Sierra Club will accommodated at 7 p.m., Monday at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 131 Oakmont Drive. The apostle will be Hunt McKinnon, admiral of ReLeaf, who will call the organization’s work. ReLeaf was accustomed in 1990 to plant, promote, and assure awning trees, appropriately allowance to about-face the furnishings of deforestation and altitude change. Contact malsentzer@gotricounty.com.

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Food giveaway
Project Anna, Inc. a non-profit apprenticeship and Christian beat ministry, will host their Annual Thanksgiving Aliment Giveaway Monday at 120 S. Skinner St. Partipants should bead off a ample box or alembic amid 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. and acknowledgment for auto at noon. Wear blooming to account a Veteran for a chargeless gift. There will be chargeless Pampers for parents who accompany breed or toddlers. Call 717-7211.
AARP meeting
The bounded Greenville affiliate of AARP will accommodated at 11:30 a.m. on Monday at the Pitt County Council on Aging, 4551 County Home Road. The bedfellow apostle will be John Farkas, Regional Chair of the Aliment Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. The affair is chargeless and accessible to the public. Contact Jack Hansel at 717-3611 or email jackhansel@outlook.com.
Bereavement service

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A “Celebration of Life” canonizing account will be captivated at 7 p.m. on Tuesday at John Paul II Catholic High School’s Performing Arts Center, 2725 E. 14th St. Sponsored by Vidant Home Health & Hospice, this afflication canonizing will bless individuals and their admired ones. RSVP to Veleria Holloway, 847-1235, to affirm appearance and accord permission to accommodate a admired one’s name in the program.
Visit reflector.com/communitycalendar for a abounding advertisement of events.

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