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Home Depot In Friendswood Tx
Published 5:05 am, Tuesday, May 19, 2015

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In the accomplished two weeks, there accept been two letters of mail theft. In both cases, a attestant saw the doubtable vehicle. The aboriginal adventure occurred on May 1 at about 10:30 a.m. in the 200 block of Rachel. A changeable active what was declared as a atramentous newer archetypal Toyota Corolla pulled up to a mailbox, removed two envelopes absolute checks, and again collection off. The additional appear adventure occurred on May 6 in the 16600 block of Barcelona Drive. A attestant appear seeing a white changeable in her mid-20s to early-30s with amber bouncing beard drive up to a neighbor’s mailbox in what she believed to be a atramentous two-door Pontiac Grand Am with advanced end accident and abolish mail from the mailbox.
The assemblage were not able to accommodate a authorization bowl for the vehicle, but the descriptions are agnate abundant that badge accept that the doubtable may be the aforementioned in both thefts.
Here are some tips about how you can assure your mail from thieves:
Use the letter slots central your Post Office for your mail, or duke it to a mail carrier.
Pick up your mail promptly afterwards delivery. Don’t leave it in your mailbox overnight. If you’re assured checks, acclaim cards, or added negotiable items, ask a trusted acquaintance or acquaintance to aces up your mail.
If you don’t accept a analysis or added admired mail you’re expecting, acquaintance the arising article immediately.
If you change your address, anon acquaint your Post Office and anyone with whom you do business via mail.
Don’t accelerate banknote in the mail.
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If you see a mail bandit at work, or if you accept your mail was stolen, acquaintance the badge department, again abode it to the Postal Inspector at 1-877-876-2455 or online at https://postalinspectors.uspis.gov/.
May 8 (6:16 a.m.) A 14-year old Friendswood boy was answerable with Advance Causing Bodily Injury (family violence). An administrator accustomed at a abode in the 400 block of Brandywyne to investigate a disturbance. The 14-year old was on the advanced balustrade and explained to the administrator that he got into a action with a 19-year old who was still central the residence. At that point, the 19-year old emerged with a blood-soaked nose. The 19-year old brash that the 14-year old was upset, damaged a aperture and punched him in the nose. The 19-year old bound himself in the bath until badge arrived. The 14-year old was taken into aegis and transported to the Galveston County Juvenile Detention Center.
May 9 (7:52 p.m.) Male, 45, of Friendswood, was answerable with Advance by Acquaintance (family violence) and Accessible Intoxication. A anxious aborigine asked admiral to analysis on a man in the 1800 block of FM 528 who appeared distraught. Aback an administrator arrived, he activate Anderson sitting on the arena and crying. The doubtable agreed to backpack with the administrator to a adjacent parking lot so that they could get out of the way of traffic. The doubtable told the administrator that he got into a exact altercation with his wife on the way home from a restaurant. The doubtable got out of the agent and started walking home. He had been bubbler and apparent signs of intoxication. In an attack to acquisition addition to aces up the suspect, the administrator alleged the suspect’s wife to aces him up. The wife asked the administrator to carriage him home and said that she would be at a friend’s house. As a courtesy, the doubtable was alone off at his abode and warned not to leave. An hour later, the suspect’s wife alleged badge to abode a agitation amid the doubtable and his step-daughter. The wife was not on scene, but while she was on the phone, the doubtable showed up at her friend’s home in the 300 block of E. Castle Harbour and began arguing with her. The administrator angry the buzz anxiety over to the badge bagman and admiral went to the Castle Harbour breadth area they took the doubtable into aegis for accessible intoxication. He was additionally answerable with advance and is accused of blame his step-daughter.
May 6 (4:44 p.m.) Ancient amid 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., a agent was burglarized in the 2800 block of Creek Bend. Items were removed from the cuff box and broadcast throughout the car. It additionally appeared that the doubtable approved to abominably cull the radio out of the dash. A wire was burst beneath the council cavalcade and a agglutinate was removed. Nothing was baseborn from the apart vehicle.
May 8 (2:00 p.m.) A agent break-in was appear at Stevenson Esplanade amid at 1100 S. Friendswood Drive. A man, wife and their adolescent were adequate the esplanade aback they apparent that their agent was burglarized. The bedmate flagged bottomward a badge administrator to abode the crime. The driver’s ancillary rear commuter window was burst out and a cellphone, purse, diapers and toys were stolen. No assemblage were found.
May 8 (2:06 p.m.) A residential break-in was appear in the 600 block of Idlewood Drive. Forced admission was fabricated through the advanced door. Aback admiral arrived, they austere the central of the home to accomplish abiding no suspects were central the house. A brace of boxes were larboard on the aisle up to the home, larboard by the suspects during their exit. A adornment box and different adornment were stolen, forth with a passport. The homeowner larboard for aloof a abbreviate time to go to cafeteria aback she accustomed a anxiety from her anxiety company. She affected the anxiety was apocryphal and told the anxiety aggregation to apathy the alarm.
May 10 (11:39 a.m.) A break-in was appear in the 1200 block of Lake Mist Lane. Unknown bodies burst a window at the West Ranch basin clubhouse. Nothing appears to accept been stolen.
May 4 (5:25 p.m.) A annexation of a Garmin GPS was appear in the 200 block of Prairie Wilde Street. The victim told badge that the GPS was baseborn from his barn ancient amid April 24 and April 27 and he believes he knows who blanket it. Doubtable advice was provided for the investigation.
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May 4 (6:22 p.m.) A annexation of adornment was appear in the 1900 block of San Jose. The victim believes that the annexation occurred on April 29 aback workers were present at the home. The workers were assassin to do some assignment in the adept bath and had unsupervised admission to the breadth area the adornment went missing.
May 4 (12:52 p.m.) A Friendswood citizen appear that addition activated for a accommodation application his claimed information. He became acquainted of the character annexation through a aggregation that monitors his credit. The accommodation was deposited into a Comerica coffer account, one that does not accord to the victim.
May 7 (5:42 p.m.) A Friendswood citizen told badge that he activated for a Sam’s Club associates on April 15 at the Sam’s Club in La Marque. On April 20, he accustomed a announcement annual for over $900 in purchases from the Kemah and League City Walmart stores. The victim contacted Sam’s Club because he was not acquainted that he had activated for a acclaim card, alone club membership, and he did not accomplish the purchases.
May 7 (5:28 p.m.) A Friendswood citizen appear her Texas debit card, issued to accept adolescent abutment payments, acclimated at several locations to accomplish crooked purchases. The victim still had the agenda in her possession. The crooked affairs occurred at an Exxonmobil in Houston and Forever 21 in Houston for a absolute accident of $311.59. There are no suspects at this time.
May 9 (2:21 p.m.) A Friendswood citizen appear crooked accuse on her coffer account. The victim placed an adjustment with a Canadian aggregation on April 16. Two weeks went by and the amalgamation was never delivered. The aggregation answerable her acclaim card, did not abode the commodity and was now clumsy to be contacted. Then, the victim noticed two crooked accuse on her annual occurring the aforementioned day that she ordered the commodity -a $489 allegation to Air Canada and a $210 allegation to West Jet. The airline companies would not acclaim the victim’s annual because the airline admission had already been used.
May 4 (10:38 a.m.) Ancient during the night, a car was vandalized in the 5000 block of Shady Oaks Lane. The car was anchored in the driveway and had atramentous spray-paint on the advanced commuter ancillary door. The aforementioned blazon of abuse was activate on a adjacent board fence. The victim believes this bent atrocity is random.
May 4 (2:26 p.m.) A agent was vandalized in the 2400 block of Mountain Falls Court. The affluence agent was keyed on the rear aperture ancient amid 11:00 p.m. on May 3 and 11:00 a.m. on May 4. No doubtable was named.
May 8 (9:00 a.m.) Graffiti was appear in a boy’s bath at Friendswood Aerial Academy in the science annex. The graffiti was aggressive in nature. Academy admiral will be reviewing surveillance video in an attack to analyze any suspects. This is the additional adventure of aggressive graffiti appear at the aerial academy in two weeks. The aboriginal adventure additionally occurred in the science annex.

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May 5 (6:08 p.m.) Male, 27, of Alvin, was answerable with Control of Marijuana, Falsification of Drug Analysis Results and Active While Authorization Invalid. He was chock-full for dispatch in the 3400 block of W. Parkwood Avenue. As the administrator approached the driver, he detected the able aroma of marijuana. He told the administrator that his authorization was abeyant and presented an identification card. He exited the agent and the administrator asked him about the aroma of marijuana. He accepted to accepting a marijuana aqueduct central his vehicle. The administrator searched the vehicle, activate the pipe, but additionally activate a baggie of hydroponic marijuana and a constructed urine kit.
May 7 (4:09 p.m.) Male, 24, of Pearland, was answerable with Control of Marijuana. He was a commuter in a agent chock-full in the 3700 block of FM 528. An administrator was continuing on the commuter ancillary aback the doubtable opened the commuter aperture absolution the aroma of marijuana into the air. The administrator arrested the suspect’s pockets and activate a marijuana pipe. The agent was searched and the administrator activate what appeared to be a Monster Energy booze can. The administrator accustomed the can as a change account frequently acclimated to burrow narcotics. The administrator abashed the top and activate marijuana inside.
May 8 (11:11 p.m.) Male, 47, of Friendswood, was answerable with Active While Intoxicated. He pulled accomplished the appointed endlessly point at the circle of Lottie Lane and N. Friendswood Drive. The administrator was sitting in the centermost about-face lane cat-and-mouse for the doubtable to about-face assimilate N. Friendswood, but instead of turning, the doubtable aloof sat at the intersection, not moving. Afterwards a brace of minutes, the administrator approached the disciplinarian and asked him several times if he was okay. He appeared to be disoriented, but did eventually acknowledgment and say that he was fine. He was instructed to aback up and get the advanced end of his car out of the intersection. The administrator approached the commuter ancillary of his agent and empiric a canteen of wine on the advanced commuter bench and noticed that the doubtable apparent signs of intoxication. He bootless a acreage abnegation analysis and banned a claret booze test. His band was set at $1,000.
May 9 (3:00 a.m.) Male, 26, of Pearland, was answerable with Interfering with the Duties of a Accessible Servant. An administrator conducted a abundance analysis on two bodies who were sitting in a car at a 24-hour gas base in the 1600 block of FM 528. The occupants were talking audibly and application abhorrent language. The administrator approached the vehicle, articular the doubtable and asked him why he was screaming. He brash that he won money on a action blemish off and was aloof “expressing himself.” He apparent signs of intoxication, he was searched for weapons and a knife was removed from his abridged and placed central his vehicle. At that point, the changeable exited the car and the doubtable approved to get aback into the car breadth the administrator had set the knife. Afterwards some resistance, the doubtable was aseptic and placed in the aback of a badge car. The administrator was still alfresco interviewing the changeable aback the doubtable was able to blooper his handcuffs from abaft him to in advanced of him, cycle bottomward the aback window and again alpha babble at the administrator and interfering with the officer’s interview.
May 8 (11:48 p.m.) Roberto Carlos Martinez, 30, of Houston, was answerable with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. Martinez was chock-full in the 1500 block of Regency Court afterwards an administrator empiric him committing several cartage violations. Martinez presented a acting driver’s license, so the administrator absolute his active cachet and arrested him for any outstanding warrants. During this check, the administrator abstruse that Martinez was a registered sex offender. His allotment was through the Houston Badge Administration and showed an abode on Harriman Street in Houston; however, his acting driver’s authorization showed an abode on Stella Link Road. The administrator asked Martinez breadth he was currently residing and he accepted that he has lived at the Stella Link Road abode back December 2014. Afterwards appointment with a Harris County Assistant District Attorney, Martinez was answerable with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. Martinez’ band was set at $10,000.
May 5 (3:17 p.m.) Female, 27, of Hitchcock, was answerable with Active While Authorization Invalid in the 4500 block of FM 2351. She was chock-full aback a allotment analysis did not affirm allowance coverage. She was not able to accommodate affidavit of insurance, she had warrants in Pasadena and her driver’s authorization was suspended.
May 5 (4:47 p.m.) Male, 33, of Bacliff, was answerable with Active While Authorization Invalid in the 1600 block of S. Friendswood Drive. His agent allotment did not affirm allowance advantage on the vehicle, so he was stopped. He had two comatose allowance cards central the agent and a driver’s authorization analysis showed that he was active with a abeyant authorization and he had an outstanding Kemah warrant.
A 2-year old adolescent was activate abnormality the streets at about 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning in the 2500 block of N. Mission Circle. The man who activate the adolescent had aloof accustomed home from assignment aback he heard what articulate like a baby adolescent talking. He looked about and saw the toddler cutting a childhood and shoes, but there were no adults around. He biconcave up the toddler, woke up his wife and alleged police. Admiral searched the breadth for accessible doors and accessible garages aggravating to acquisition breadth the adolescent came from. An administrator activate a advanced aperture accessible at a home in the 1900 block of Presideo. The toddler’s parents were comatose and had no clue the toddler was missing. It turns out the half-naked toddler had soundlessly woke up, put on her own shoes, opened the advanced aperture and took a stroll. Admiral were animated to accumulate the adolescent with her parents. The administrator appear no affirmation of carelessness or agitation in the home and no accuse are expected. Friendswood is appreciative to accept abundant residents, like the man on N. Mission Circle, who saw danger, adequate the adolescent from abuse and alleged police. Thank you, sir. What you did is a big deal!

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TIP OF THE WEEK Pre-Season Hurricane Preparation - Hurricane division clearly begins June 1 In May, City and emergency administration admiral activate affairs for the accessible Hurricane division and you should too. It is important to access the division prepared. We alive abutting to the coast, so it is basic that you apperceive all of the aborticide routes. Accomplish abiding you accept the able accoutrement and food to defended your home - that agency accepting your plywood already cut and stored instead of continuing in band at Home Depot and Lowes alone to acquisition out you are too backward and they are already awash out. Accumulate affluence of batteries and flashlights and consistently accept affluence of non-perishable foods and bottled baptize on hand. In the accident of an evacuation, the City of Friendswood agents will use all accessible assets to accumulate our association informed. We appetite you to be able to acknowledgment to your homes as anon as it is safe to do so. Accomplish abiding you are active up to accept emergency administration alerts, and chase us on Facebook and twitter. An Emergency Preparedness Guide and advice links to the National Weather Service, FEMA, the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management, the Harris County Office of Emergency Administration and an Aborticide Zip Zone Map can be activate at http://www.ci.friendswood.tx.us/Hurricanes/.
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