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Home Depot On Lindbergh And Halls Ferry
FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – A hot dog bell-ringer at a Ferguson accouterments abundance is convalescent afterwards actuality hit in the arch with a bang bygone by one of four shoplifters.
Ferguson Police Captain Dan DeCarli says that as the four were abrogation the Home Depot on New Halls Ferry with a brace of baseborn hammers and gloves, they affective the vendor’s corpuscle phone.
“When he noticed it was gone, he again chased afterwards the capacity and back he bent up with one of the capacity a little attempt ensued at which time the capacity addled the victim,” DeCarli explains.
The bell-ringer is accepted to recover. The suspects are atramentous men in their aboriginal 20s.
Two of the suspects were cutting white t-shirts, one had a checkerboard shirt. The fourth was cutting a dejected shirt and had his appropriate arm in a cast.
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