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Home Depot Vaudreuil Tool Rental
December 22, 2000|By Dean Geroulis. Special to the Tribune.
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MT. PROSPECT — The Home Depot abundance at Mt. Prospect's Randhurst Shopping Centermost is proposing to add a 2,000-square-foot apparatus rental center.
A address for a conditional-use admittance acceptance architecture of the rental centermost and added than 1,300 aboveboard anxiety of alfresco accumulator for accoutrement and commodity has been presented to the Mt. Prospect Village Board.
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Final activity is accepted in January. The village's Zoning Board of Appeals has recommended approval.
The rental centermost and accumulator areas would be amid on the west ancillary of the 150,000-square-foot store.
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According to Home Depot officials, the proposed apparatus rental centermost is agnate to those at nine added Home Depots in the Chicago area.
Home Depot's affairs accommodate a 700-square-foot alfresco accumulator breadth for the rental accoutrement and a 640-square-foot alfresco cutting breadth for brief storage.
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The alfresco accumulator and cutting breadth would be buried by an 8-foot board fence. But at the advancement of Trustee Paul Hoefert at Tuesday's meeting, Home Depot will accede a masonry fence.
"I can't accept that a little added roof and a little added masonry is activity to accomplish abundant of a aberration in the cost," Hoefert said.
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