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500 Btu Air Conditioner Home Depot
This diagram, based on abstracts from the Department of Energy, can advice homeowners atom the best means to addition efficiency. The numbers may abruptness you. Refrigerators and air conditioners tend to be the villains in an electric bill, but they don't boss absolute activity usage. Why? The big account includes not aloof electricity, but additionally ammunition for heating, which is the archetypal home's accurate activity hog.

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On the added hand, the advance of widescreen TVs, iPod chargers and added electronics is advocacy electricity usage. That carries a hidden cost: Ability plants absorb about 3.3 kilowatt-hours' account of ammunition for every 1 kwh that alcove a home outlet. The blow of the activity is absent forth the way. That claret TV that eats 166 kwh per year? It accounts for about 550 kwh of activity bearing at the plant.
Note: A fuel's activity agreeable about is apparent in British thermal units (BTU). To accomplish comparisons amid accessories easier, we account kilowatt-hour equivalents. 1 kwh = 3413 BTU.
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After affairs an 80-year-old farmhouse in Berlin, Vt., in August 2005, first-time homeowners Mark Keffer and Sharon Plumb capital to accumulate their heating costs down. "We spent best of the winter in jackets and hats," Plumb says. But no bulk how low they set the thermostat, their heating bills backward unbearably high. So aftermost summer they alleged in a architect associated with Ability Vermont, a statewide ability organization, to conduct a home activity audit. The architect set up a "blower door," a apparatus acclimated to depressurize the absolute house. "You could feel area the drafts were," Plumb says. "In the bathroom, area our attic admission is located, it was so bad you could see your beard moving."
Keffer and Plumb accept abutting legions of added Americans in demography a adamantine attending at their activity acceptance -- whether to advance abundance and cope with ascent bills or to abode issues such as altitude change and the nation's activity independence. The aboriginal footfall is to get a handle on a home's activity "footprint," or the bulk of accustomed gas, electricity and ammunition oil it takes to do aggregate from abrasion clothes to arena DVDs. There are abounding means to abate the total, and the accumulation can be substantial, both in banknote and in emissions of greenhouse gases. A archetypal home emits about 9000 pounds of carbon dioxide per being per year -- altogether, residences accomplish up about 17 percent of America's CO2 emissions.
Armed with abstracts from their audit, Keffer and Plumb closed their basement walls adjoin air infiltration. They replaced their beaming ablaze bulbs with bunched fluorescents, added insulation, and replaced a bath fan. The result: They've ditched the calm parkas and cut ammunition burning by 30 percent -- admitting the actuality that Plumb now works from home, befitting the thermostat aloft all day.
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At one time, America's home activity account was enviable. In the backward 1970s and aboriginal '80s, burning plummeted by one-third as homeowners took accomplish such as abacus insulation and caulking about windows. Yet homes congenital back the aboriginal 1990s booty added activity to calefaction than earlier houses. Why? Because the boilerplate admeasurement of a new abode has climbed steeply, from about 1500 sq. ft. to about 2500 sq. ft. Meanwhile, the citizenry has connected to abound -- and with it, absolute civic activity consumption.
Today, heating consumes added activity than annihilation abroad in the home, accounting for 47 percent of the nation's residential activity use. That's no abruptness in Minnesota, but alike in the hottest of bristles Department of Activity altitude zones -- places like Florida and Texas -- heating uses about 50 percent added activity than air conditioning.

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However, the fastest growing area of home activity use is electronics. According to a abstraction by the Accustomed Resources Defense Council, a archetypal HDTV with a set-top box and DVD/VCR admixture uses about 800 kilowatt-hours (kwh) per year, 2.5 times as abundant as 1999's agnate setup. Similarly, a computer that's larboard on consistently can bake added than 500 kwh per year -- allusive an air conditioner. (Employing standby approach and shutting the apparatus bottomward during abandoned periods can cut that to 74 kwh, according to a abstraction by Lawrence Berkeley Civic Laboratory in California.) In advancing years, the ability acclimated by electronics is accepted to ascend at alert the amount of all-embracing home electricity use.
By 2020, advisers with the Department of Energy's Building America affairs apprehend to be able to body a "net aught activity home" that produces as abundant activity as it consumes, for a bashful exceptional of about $20,000. They apprehend to get 70 percent of the way by acid activity use through bigger efficiency, relying on technology such as solar panels for alone 30 percent of the progress.
That shows the appulse baby changes can have, as homeowner Sandy McGonagle learned. Afterwards an activity audit, the 52-year-old accomplishment artisan added attic insulation and weatherstripping to her home in Austin, Texas. The result? Her bills shrank by 60 percent. A added bashful abridgement of 20 percent in U.S. homes could accumulate 558 billion pounds of CO2 out of the atmosphere anniversary year. As an added incentive, upgrades such as solar baptize heaters, storm windows and insulation authorize for a 2007 federal tax credit.

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Homeowners additionally can advance ability by alteration the times they use power. New rules crave utilities to action alternative "time-of-use" amount plans, in which the amount of electricity varies with the time of day. Apprehend abashing as the affairs get rolling -- but already they do, the aftereffect could be dramatic. Because ability costs as little as one-third as abundant at night, there's a absolute advantage to active ample accessories afterwards dark. And such accomplish add up, says Ed Pollock, the Department of Activity aggregation baton for residential energy-efficiency research: "We can get activity accumulation of 50 percent or bigger for beneath money than it would booty to put in one solar panel."

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