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All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil Home Depot
QUESTION: We accept a camellia backcountry that has a lot of white, hardly down-covered actual beneath the leaves. The top of the leaves are blotchy with yellow. While the buds arise and accept to be developing, they do not accessible except for a few that aftermath a flower. This division is over, but what can we do and back should we do it to accept bigger blooming abutting year? -- George Cooper
ANSWER: Your plants are infested with tea scale, and that could absolutely be a agency in their poor blooming. Amusement the camellia with a deluge of Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insect Ascendancy or added articles that accommodate imidacloprid afterward characterization directions. In addition, you can enhance the ascendancy by spraying the camellia a brace of times with agronomical oil (Year Round Oil, All Seasons Spray Oil, Volck Oil and added brands). Spray thoroughly beneath the leaves. The tea calibration insects will not abandon appropriate abroad already treated, but don't accept the analysis has not worked. Watch the new advance as it matures. If it stays calibration free, your treatments accept been effective.
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