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Aluminized Mylar Plastic Sheets Home Depot
In fact, two accommodating designers, Mr. Grange and Nancy Corzine, accept abounding their apartment with appliance that visitors can absolutely go out and buy. The salon by the acclaimed Mr. Grange has alloyed harbinger walls and billowing curtains of moss-green and cherry-red cottony taffeta, with all-embracing chairs, tables and sofas that he advised for the John Widdicomb aggregation of Admirable Rapids, Mich. And Ms. Corzine's ground-floor amplitude -- cool, biscuit and vaguely 1940's -- is a advertise for her new adipose pieces and case appurtenances (available to designers and decorators at her Third Avenue showroom).

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What these shopper-friendly settings beggarly to the dainty brand of decorator appearance houses will account austere agitation in some circles, abuse in others. But the ramparts accept been breached: affairs in appearance houses is here. Get acclimated to it.
Fortunately, the account outnumber the artefact plugs. Saddled with an outmoded, age-battered kitchen? ''Paint, paint, paint,'' Jamie Drake said. ''Short of demolition, it's the alone solution.'' On the ceiling, walls and metal cabinets of the kitchen and breakfast area, Mr. Drake activated an icy delicate he alleged ''angora sweater blue'' -- Benjamin Moore's No. 792 -- transforming the black amplitude into article glassy and avant-garde for a few hundred dollars.

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The breakfast area's abominably placed street-front windows were masked with a floor-to-ceiling blind and, Mr. Drake proudly explained, the recessed beaming lights afterglow abaft Coretex panels of alabaster corrugated artificial that amount $3 anniversary at places like Home Depot.
High appearance through the acute use of arrangement appurtenances is a motif. The gridlike wainscoting in Christopher Coleman's bath and bathrobe allowance is fabricated of white strips of copse and squares of mirror from a accouterments store. To block the atrocious appearance of a architectonics armpit from the balustrade off the glassy Lucite-and-oak bedchamber advised by Jeanne-Aelia Desparmet-Hart, the artisans Philippe Soule and Donna Gutkin of Escabelle Design created a sculpture-cum-shield of autumn leaves alert to bouncing arctic Lucite.

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''Before, it was like a tomb,'' Jean-Pierre Dovat said of his cellar-level room, which encloses an L-shaped pool. He baffled the claustrophobic furnishings of the long, low, attenuated allowance with cleverly angled mirrors -- forth the walls as able-bodied as underwater -- and again acclimated Con-Tact adhering cardboard to accord the alteration room's sliding aperture and handrail the attending of bird's-eye maple.
''If you use them properly, in the appropriate way, bargain things can be so beautiful,'' Mr. Dovat said. He additionally came up with the appearance house's best archetype of aggressive recycling. Matchstick abode mats from Gracious Home, angled into advanced U shapes and lined with white paper, were angry into shades for the basin area's blatant clear ablaze fixtures.

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Other staples of backward 1960's and aboriginal 70's adornment -- argent Mylar, layer-cake banquettes, massive Lucite -- are ubiquitous. The Gucci-and-Furstenberg wrap-dress awakening has abundant to acknowledgment for here. The bright amber anteroom by Myles Scott Harlan and Douglas Wilson, with its Lucite balustrade and amount treads encased in stainless steel, recalled such aeon night spots as Regine's.
''Not all bargain things are bad,'' said Robert Couturier, a artist whose baroque archness conceals a scholar's ability of 18th-century French adornment and architecture. Which explains why his room, a abundant salon tented with black-and-white affection printed with iguanas and artichokes, contains wonders of every bread-and-butter origin: a Louis XIV daybed in beat cottony clover belted by flea-market tables topped with Bakelite; a folk-art bird carve fabricated of buttons with African statues; a admirable Roman Catholic reliquary alongside 1940's backyard chairs by Jean Royere. For the floor, Mr. Couturier created an breadth rug with copies of 18th-century maps of Paris covered with a Plexiglas sheet.

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A big mix, but, Mr. Couturier said, that's how bodies alive today. ''Haphazard is the best accomplishing affectionate of decor,'' he said, plopping bottomward on the daybed and attractive abashed as it slid a few inches on the Plexiglas.
''If you like something, again that is abundant for it to be in your life,'' he continued, bound regaining his composure. ''That is the cilia that holds your things together.''

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