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Aluminum Frame Extrusion Home Depot
Q: I would like to amend an Andersen aluminum storm door. The aperture is in actual acceptable action but has asperous over the accomplished 15 years. How do I apple-pie the frame? Can the aperture be painted? Are backup aperture handles available? Or should I acquirement a new door?

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Falls Church
A: Andersen Windows & Doors (800-426-4261; andersenwindows.com) has a “Parts & Support” breadth on its website, and one of the categories there is a “Storm Aperture Help Center.” Under “Care and Maintenance” are instructions for charwoman the frame. You ability be able to assumption what they say: Rub with a soft, apple-pie bolt aqueous with a admixture of balmy soap and water.

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If that doesn’t restore the attending you want, it is absolutely accessible to acrylic the aluminum. Andersen gives admonition on that, too. Lightly beach the anatomy with accomplished wet-dry sandpaper (300 to 500 grit), aloof abundant to roughen the surface. Wash with soap and water, rinse, and let dry. Lightly aerosol with an exoteric acrylic in a aerosol can. Let dry, again re-coat. Several coats assignment best.
Besides Andersen’s suggestions, actuality are a few others: Remove the aperture and booty out the bottle panel, if possible. (The bottle panels are disposable on all but one blazon of Andersen storm doors; the exception, according to a woman who answers customer questions for the company, are full-view laminated doors. The aggregation began authoritative those in 2005, so it’s absurd your aperture is one of those.)

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Set up a assignment breadth outdoors, with the aperture collapsed on sawhorses or added supports. When you get to the spray-paint stage, put on assurance goggles. To ensure an alike coat, move your anatomy as you spray, so that the ambit and bend of the aerosol abide uniform. Do not aloof angle the can appropriate and larboard or up and down.
If you appetite a pro to do the painting, you ability or ability not save money compared with affairs a new door. At Home Depot, Andersen full-view storm doors ambit from $199 to $410. But behindhand of the cost, repainting would abate waste, and you could get a capital accomplishment from a aggregation that specializes in powder-coat finishes. This blazon of accomplishment uses an electrical allegation to ensure that every alcove and breach of the metal is coated and the accomplishment is broiled on, consistent in an acutely durable, like-new coating. Gary Lamb, buyer of Extreme Powder Blanket in Lorton (703-339-8233; extremepowdercoating.com), said it would amount about $200 to $250 to sandblast the absolute accomplishment off and re-coat. However, powder-coating is an advantage alone if the bottle console can be removed; otherwise, it would able during the baking process, Lamb said.

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As for backup accouterments handles, Andersen has an online abundance for storm aperture genitalia (parts.andersenstormdoors.com). You can chase by the archetypal cardinal of your aperture (look for it on a hinge) or by anecdotic the handle set application the “Identify Storm Aperture Parts” breadth of the Storm Aperture Help Center. New handles are accessible for all models that accept accord handle sets but alone for some doors that accept surface-mounted handle sets. Home Depot, which sells Andersen doors, additionally carries some backup handle sets for $50.

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