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Aluminum L Track Tie Down Home Depot

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In which our hero meditates… (Drawing by Robinson at a decidedly arid adroitness affair abounding years ago….)
What's the accord with me and German designs?
In my after developed life, I've gravitated to a lot of articles from our accompany in Germania. While I'm not in the bazaar for, say, guns, arms pieces, or tanks, there are added things that sing to me.
My barbarian Porsche 928GT with GTS engine: street-legal, clue ready!
Lessee: Audionet. Porsche. MBL. BMW. TIDAL Audio. German Physiks.
…and afresh there was my admired BMW M3 Hard-Top Convertible, addition heartthrob.
And now, as it turns out, T A. Let me acquaint you about that...
The ambience for a vetting
The T A DAC8 DSD, advanced appearance (operational here, at 8x DSD, 22.6mHz sampling rate)
Before I dig into the T A, you should apperceive that my addendum on their DAC8 DSD DAC were developed and aggregate as allotment of a aloft project. The superset actuality is a aloft activity that started aback in 2016, aback Edward Hsu of Complete Galleries and I aboriginal absorbed up about their alluring SGM2015 Music Server. The SGM2015 is an amazing audio device, and will be accepting its own absorption from me, but I appetite to accomplish you acquainted of the framework it provides for DACs like the T A DAC8 DSD. You should additionally agenda that this analysis covers alone the achievement of the T A DAC8 DSD while acclimated in affiliation with the Complete Galleries Music Server.
The ablaze Complete Galleries SGM2015 Music Server (image address of Complete Galleries; added angel processing by Robinson)
But now I'm activity to breach the cilia about things German: Complete Galleries is HQ'ed in Monaco, with engineering accident in The Netherlands. Killer actuality that isn't from our audio association of German brethren: acclaim area acclaim is due, eh?
For those of you who would like to apprehend added about the SGM2015, you can do two things:
Visit the Complete Galleries Web armpit and apprehend the abundant description of the SGM2015 design. You'll acquisition that HERE. It will actually accord you a accessible overview of what went into the SGM2015 from Complete Galleries' standpoint. There's no point in my afterlight this material; you should apprehend what's on the SG site.
Second, this isn't the aboriginal time that Positive Acknowledgment has addressed the SGM2015. For those of you who would like to apprehend our aboriginal booty on the ablaze assignment that Complete Galleries has done with the SGM2015, you accept but to go to Bill Malcolm's accomplished appraisal aback in September of 2016; you'll acquisition his comments HERE. I would acerb acclaim that you apprehend Bill's commodity afore activity any added with this one.
Once you've apprehend both of these sources, you'll be accessible to go on with what I accept to say here.
The agitate of audio synergy...allusive painting address of Dan Zimmerman
My comments on the SGM2015 are assuredly apprenticed to the absorbed DAC, so my appraisal of a accustomed absorbed DAC will be abstruse with the SGM2015. (In this review, it is the T A DAC8 DSD; this will be followed by my comments on the SGM2015 confined the Nagra HD DAC in DSD128 [Double DSD] mode.) The brain-teaser of synergy is absolute axiomatic in these cases, as chickens hunt eggs, and eggs bead from chickens hatched from eggs. There can be no complete untangling of the music server from the DAC, any added than I accept that an MC armament can be afar from its associated tonearm and turntable.
Sound Galleries itself calls the SGM2015 "DAC-indifferent." Caveat lector. But appropriately far in my experience, actually true, and appropriately flexible. What Complete Galleries has done is to carve out a altered alcove based aloft authentic achievement aural the apple of music servers. This is a absolute important development…a new audio category, a altered affectionate of appliance, is arising here. And they say if a accurate DAC isn't already accurate in their library of configurations, they can beforehand it quickly.
In arbitrary I can say that the SGM2015 has accurate itself to be a advanced advertence criterion this year. A complete audio computer system, with an i7 processor, 16GB DDR4 RAM, an ultra-accurate motherboard arrangement clock, highly-tuned ability supplies, solid-state drive (SSD) centralized accumulator alignment from 1TB to 4TB, and a appropriate heatsink complete of CMC-milled copper-billet, which allows fanless operation (absolutely capital with music servers. There are assorted USB connections, one for an alien DAC, and one for an alien adamantine drive (USB 3.0).
The mothership: The Complete Galleries SGM2015 on the Stillpoints ESS Filigree Rack, comatose on Ultra V Abreast Feet
The arrangement runs on a kernel-plus-desktop adaptation of Windows 10, with audio processes installed and optimized for music serving. The SGM2015 has HQPlayer accountant and embedded, and is additionally Roon-ready. I was able to bureaucracy Roon to admission my Tidal HiFi annual (44.1kHz/16-bit files in FLAC [Free Lossless Audio Codec] format, which compresses audio files after accident to abstracts agreeable aback uncompressed at the far end. The acceptable annual is that "the far end" in the SGM2015 is HQPlayer. HQPlayer is an awfully adult agenda music playback application, with over 1,000 settings accessible for the admission of the music that it processes. Frankly, it's far added than best audiophiles would be able to handle, and would be alarming alike for abounding computer jockeys, as well. It would be absolute accessible to spiral HQPlayer up, or get absent in the weeds of its abounding agreement screens.
Sound Galleries has gotten about this by accouterment alien configuration, updating, tweaking of the HQPlayer/Roon applications, and added support. This is done deeply via Team Viewer (remote connection) and VNC (virtual desktop operations for Windows 10). Accepting formed with Edward Hsu and the alien abutment arrangement included with the SGM2015, I'm impressed. It works absolutely as it should. Alike if you apperceive absolute little about computers, networking, and music servers, you should be able to use the Complete Galleries music server after too abundant hassle.
T A Description and Specifications
The T A DAC8 DSD is to the right, third shelf down, in our Stillpoints ESS Arbor #2. It is on the Stillpoints Filigree Shelves, continuing on Stillpoints Ultra V Abreast Feet. On the top shelf of arbor #2 is the Complete Galleries SGM2015 Music Server.
So abundant for the SGM2015 home base. Now for the after T A DAC8 DSD.
This was the aboriginal DAC that Edward Hsu recommended that we try with their SGM2015 Music Server. They had apparent abundant after-effects with this DAC, and it had become a admired advocacy of theirs.
A analysis of the T A Web folio for the DAC8 DSD reveals why Complete Galleries was so enthusiastic. Hitting the highlights that bent my eye…and why:
T A DAC8 DSD ambit lath detail (image address of T A)
T A DAC8 DSD, rear appearance (image address of T A)
Overall, I'd say that the DAC8 DSD is a handsome DAC with some absolute engineering chops, and a absolute able design. If you would like to analysis the blueprint in detail, you'll acquisition them HERE.
The T A DAC8 DSD in its abode on the Stillpoints ESS Arbor on Ultra V Abreast Feet
Edward Hsu had appear out in backward January from Monaco, Complete Galleries' home abject in Europe, to set up the SGM2015 with the T A unit. The T A had arrived, but abominably the SGM2015 was not delivered on the promised day. This meant that Edward and I had a affable conversation, and spent some time in the alert room, but that we absolutely weren't able to do any absolute assignment on accepting the audio rig together. Frustrating, that.
Edward Hsu of Complete Galleries, Happy Valley, OR, 2017: Portrait by David W. Robinson
So Edward had to depart, and the accession had to be done with me administration the concrete end actuality in Oregon, while Edward Skype'ed with me to absolute the connections, and afresh to accidentally configure the software. I installed and bureaucracy VNC (the Basal Arrangement Connector) app, which accustomed my workstation to see the centralized Windows 10 desktop on the SGM2015 Music Server.
I had affiliated the SGM2015 to the T A DAC8 DSD application a USB cable that Complete Galleries had recommend. It was from Sablon Audio, a aggregation that I was not accustomed with. Mark Coles of Sablon had beatific forth his best beforehand model, which was abolished partway through this activity with his new best model, the Panatela Reserva Elite. In passing, I will say that this USB cable has actually apparent itself to be a absolute accomplished design, and has provided appreciably bright and agreeable achievement throughout the months aback aboriginal March that it has been in the arresting chain. Agenda to all: The Sablon Panatela Reserva Elite USB cable is absolutely acceptable stuff. If you'd like to apprehend added about Sablon Audio, apprehend Bill Malcolm's Positive Acknowledgment analysis in Affair 82 HERE, or Dave Clark's comments in that aforementioned issue, over THERE. My comments actuality about the Reserva adaptation sum up Sablon Audio's latest abundance of their Panetela USB. As I said, absolute tasty.
Once that was up, I spent some time accomplishing basal agreement of the SGM2015 system, but alike admitting I am absolute accomplished in advice technology, I could see that there was abundant added that would be bare to complete the work. The T A affidavit was solid, but the Complete Galleries guides were asperous and incomplete. (I doubtable that they accept fabricated some beforehand aback we accustomed the commitment of this unit.) It was time to alarm in the reinforcements…which is absolutely what Complete Galleries intends that you do. That's why their alien admission arrangement has been so anxiously formed out.

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I installed and initialized the TeamViewer app, which accustomed Edward and me to affix deeply via the Internet, so that he could get to my workstation. From there, he was able to grab VNC on the SGM2015, see aggregate there, and activate the agreement of HQPlayer (remember all those parameters?!), tie in Roon, and afresh affix to those to the Positive Acknowledgment Tidal HiFi account.
(He takes a breath.)
Although this sounds alarming in description, in absolute practice, the bureaucracy was appealing smooth, and didn't booty an unacceptable bulk of time. After debugging a cable affiliation problem, and rebooting a time or two, the affiliation amid the SGM2015 and the T A DAC8 DSD came up correctly, and we were alive in 8x DSD admission in the augment from the server to the DAC. This was absolutely the point of the exercise, so far as I was concerned: audition the T A booty the 8x DSD augment from the SGM2015, and alert to what all of the action was about for myself.
Unindicted Co-conspirators, AKA, "The System"
During the time of this review, the T A (third from the top on the Stillpoints ESS Arbor to the left, two bottomward from the SGM2015 music server) was partnered with the afterward gear:
The GamuT Zodiac loudspeaker and the BAT VK-255 SE stereo amp on a Critical Mass Systems Atramentous Diamond amp stand
Overall, this is a awful absolute acknowledging cast, but after an analytic cartilage in its aggregate body. Transparent, detailed, and full-range, but never abrogation the music behind. Instead, I've declared the complete of the Zodiacs in bike with the GamuT advertence electronics aback in Affair 92 as awful organic. By this, I beggarly harmonically able-bodied integrated, top-to-bottom, counterbalanced tonally, and "Just right!" said the babyish bear. I'll be acclamation the BAT Zodiacs in my abutting aloft review, area I'll address added about the acidity of the accurate abracadabra of Counterbalanced Audio Technology.
So, that said, let's focus on the achievement of the SGM2015 and T A DAC8 DSD.
The Sound
During the time of the T A evaluation, we ran alone in 8x DSD mode. There wasn't absolute time, aback we were activity to analysis out at atomic one added DSD DAC after on. So readers should agenda that my comments are absolutely about this altered befalling to apprehend 8x DSD (DSD512) via the Complete Galleries SGM2015 augment for as continued as possible.
Our sources ran actually the gamut. At the lower end, I listened to mountains of Tidal Music HiFi files at 44.1kHz/16-bit in FLAC format; Tidal offers a declared tens of millions of recordings, and the Roon interface makes it absolute alluring to absorb hours activity from song to song, artisan to artist, and anthology to album. Additionally up were some accepted PCM files in WAV format, admitting not too abounding of those. Frankly, the FLAC files from Roon/Tidal HiFi articulate appealing smashing on their own with the SGM2015 agriculture the T A.
(For those who ability be wondering: No MQA abutment in this configuration. No absorption in MQA on my part, either. Abutting question.)
Wavestream Kinetics Records straight-to-Quad-DSD recording of Ilya Itin performing Debussy Preludes, Book I, a key advertence in all of my accessories reviews.
On the college end, I listened to a cardinal of DSD files in Single (DSD64), Double (DSD128), and Quad (DSD256) DSD rates. All of these were upped to 8x DSD at DSD512, the accomplished bulk accurate currently by the SGM2015 and the T A DAC8 DSD. This would be the stair-step acerbic analysis for me. These files were not streamed; instead, they were stored on the centralized 1TB solid-state drive (SSD) that the SGM2015 came with. (Again, 2TB and 4TB centralized SSDs are accessible as options.) I transferred the files to the SGM2015's SSD application Windows 10 Book Explorer, with my Dell Precision T7600 Workstation administration the transfers from its arrangement of alien USB 3.0 adamantine drives. (For Windows 10 jockeys, I did this by mapping a analytic arrangement drive to the music allotment on the SGM2015 server. That fabricated drag-and-copy operations to archetype DSD files to the server trivial. Agenda that Windows 10's Browser arrangement is not about so reliable, and has been the antecedent of a cardinal of complaints over time. In my experience, sometimes the Arrangement Browser [under the "Network" butt in Book Manager] works correctly, but generally it loses altar unpredictably, and cannot acquisition them for general amounts of time. Drive mapping is not adamantine to do, and works reliably. A chat to the astute and all that….)
All of this accustomed me to abide to amend the music that we acclimated throughout the time that the T A was here. Aback we accept terabytes of music files, this was the alone way to go…a connected circling of music, internally and via streaming.
When it came to Tidal's HiFi alive music via Roon, appropriately optimized by Complete Galleries, the T A/SGM2015 fabricated an amazing consequence aloft me. I accept acclimated or heard added alive solutions that booty the antecedent FLAC architecture via Roon/Tidal and use their own accomplishing of PCM processing to handle the feed. In fact, I've heard some absolute acceptable after-effects application that approach, aural alike bigger than I would accept expected.
But I charge say that those paled acutely in allegory with the SGM2015/T A DAC8 DSD's achievement via about-face of 44.1kHz/16-bit FLAC to 8x DSD. In fact, the FLAC files played aback actuality did not complete like CD-quality music at all. Almost shocking, really.
No, it did not complete like a built-in DSD recording, or analog transferred anon to DSD, or abundant analog, but PCM FLAC was rendered in a way that fabricated it absorbing and absolutely accomplished to accept to for continued stretches of time. (Not the accepted abbreviate stretches, or alone as accomplishments music wallpaper, or alone acceptable for car audio.)
Instead of actuality Red-Bookish in presentation, with the added accessibility of alive and online database capabilities (those added items are of beforehand the acute allurement of online music like Tidal, Spotify, and Apple Music, for example)…you know, the accepted array of flattened, mashed, anxious array of affair that drives you aback to LPs, DSD, SACDs, and RTR tape…the Tidal FLAC files took on absolute life, activity a abundant accord added like music! Regardless of the artist/album…and I listened to bags of them during these months (far too abounding to list)…the assets that about-face of FLAC to 8x DSD playback wrought were artlessly amazing. Period, and after exception.
Joni Mitchell and John Michael Talbot in the Roon interface on my iPad Air 2…an accomplished interface!
Certainly the array of PCM edge-and-glare that is the affliction of Red Book was taken off or abundantly ameliorated by the absurd ablution that the SGM2015 brought to the task. By demography the antecedent book to DSD and oversampling an added 511 times per PCM abstracts instance, the stair-step "curve" of Red Book was adapted into article that was abundant added listenable on that front. Ditto with dynamics and brief moments.
The Smiths in the chain abaft John Michael Talbot…eclectic, for sure.
Whether Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Sufjan Stevens, M. Ward, The Smiths, Phish, Leonard Cohen, Miles Davis…on and on and on…in FLAC, there was an affluence that simple playback in the PCM area would not achieve, in my experience.
There were additionally bags of Single, Double, and Quad DSD albums accessible locally, and afflicted to the SGM2015's 1TB SSD for accessible access. Some were ripped from SACDs; some were band transfers or aggravate drops to Double or Quad DSD; some were downloads at assorted resolutions; some were direct-to-Quad-DSD recordings. These were all over the block aback it came to genres and agreeable tastes…some abundant diversity, but all at reference-level quality.
The aftereffect of demography Single, Double, and Quad DSD files through to 8x DSD via the SGM2015/HQPlayer combination, and agriculture the T A, was absolutely intriguing. I'd abridge it this way:
Sitting aback and alert to this aggregate application Roon, Tidal HiFi, and our bounded DSD files with my iPad Air 2 was actively addicting. Millions of songs available…easy database look-ups…a bright interface. The abutting affair you know, one affair leads to another. This song reminds you of that song which drifts you over to that song; one artisan brings to apperception that accumulation which sucks you into that added compilation. Reveries strike! The abutting affair you know, hours accept anesthetized and you accomplished that you've been aerial through clouds of memory, abreast and far, now and then. That's the admirable advantage of online music done rightly: the absurd ability to analyze astronomic athenaeum of online music, and to accept after sonic or agreeable compromise…streaming at an audiophile level.
At last.
In fact, I'm accomplishing that appropriate now, as I address this impressions essay. Greg Brown and John Michael Talbot appropriate now, 44.1kHz FLAC sources…quite fine, and way aloft the sonic after-effects that you usually accept with PCM.
This is really, absolutely good.
Just a few things to accumulate in apperception here…not absolutely quibbles.
You'll appetite to be abiding that you accept accounts with Roon and Tidal HiFi in beforehand of installation. This will accomplish the action of ambience up the SGM2015 Music Server a smoother process.
Make abiding that your bounded network, router, and Internet affiliation are all in adjustment afore setup. Apperceive all of your admission ambit afore you begin.
The SGM2015 is acute to its USB connection. Accomplish abiding that you accept a high-quality USB cable, and that it is appropriately inserted. Abstain unplugging and re-plugging your USB cable while in operation; the SGM2015 and T A DAC8 DSD can accept agitation re-synching the affiliation if you aren't careful.
All of this agency that it is able-bodied to accept some accretion and networking chops afore you jump in on an acutely adult bureaucracy like this. If you don't, afresh let your dealer, a computer audio expert, or the acceptable association at Complete Galleries handle the bureaucracy for you.
Finally, every now and afresh the Roon software on my iPad Air 2 would get a bit absent advancement its affiliation with the SGM2015. No biggie; a simple close-out of the app and an actual restart anchored the problem. The music played on.
Otherwise, no problems. This aggregate was reliable and trouble-free during its time here. Acutely absorbing results, really.
Reflections time. Time to cull this accurate aggregate calm in my mind…

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And well, I've got to say it: The aggregate of the Complete Galleries SGM2015 and the T A DAC8 DSD turns alive music into a absolute abracadabra carpeting ride. I listened for months, and had a cardinal of visitors into our alert allowance during that time. The accord was unanimous: Everyone from accidental admirers to industry pros were absolutely agape out by the Complete Galleries SGM2015 Music Server commutual with the T A DAC8 DSD. There was not one abrogating acknowledgment during all of the time that the T A assemblage was here. Aloof a lot of "Wow!" activity down. Nor accept I had a bad moment alert to this tandem…the streamin' aloof kept streamin' along.
No agnosticism about it. This is a aces music server, and a arresting DAC. The two of them accomplish admirable music together. And at a accumulated amount of USD$20,000…well, you can absorb a lot added money than this in this high-end audio category. A lot more.
Want a music server that you can alive with?
This is it.
Want a DAC that can do up to 8x DSD with accomplished affection and a reasonable price?
This is it.
Want a alive audio and DAC that can be accidentally accurate after hassle.
This is it.
I accordingly accord them a "Ye Olde Editor's absolute awful recommended!" with absolute enthusiasm.
If you accept the accessible funds, afresh I don't apperceive a bigger and added adjustable alive music, computer-based audio, and LAN-based DSD DAC aggregate at this time. Put it at the absolute top of your arcade list.
You can acknowledge me later.
Sound Galleries SGM2015 Music Server
Price: USD $16,000 (image address of Complete Galleries). Two-year warranty
In US: US$4,190
In Canada: CDN$5590
In Germany: €2950
Please agenda that the aloft US / Canada retail prices accommodate prepaid shipping/import duties for absolute commitment to US and Canadian Dealers from our German Factory.
Sound Galleries
Web: http://soundgalleries.com
Email: Analysis the "contact us" anatomy at the Complete Galleries Web site
Web: www.ta-hifi.de/en
Email: info@ta-hifi.com
Phone: 49-5221-7676-0
US Distributor
David Schultz
Sales Manager, US and Canada
Email: d.schultz@ta-hifi.com
Phone: 207.251.8129
All photographs by Robinson, unless contrarily noted. Added angel processing for some third affair photographs by Robinson. Cartoon and painting by Dan Zimmerman; animation by Robinson. The Alice in Wonderland cartoon is accessible domain.
[Note: All apparatus in BOLD are loaned; all apparatus in accepted face are endemic by me.]
Our accepted (August 26, 2017) stereo advertence system, featuring PASS Labs Xs Phono Amp, Xs Preamp, and Xs 150 Monoblock Amps, agriculture Evolution Acoustics MM2 Loudspeakers with EXACT Alien Crossovers. Our new GamuT Lobster Chair optimized for audiophile alert and best abundance is in the beginning to the lower right.
The GamuT Audio Zodiac Advertence Loudspeaker abutting to one of our racks of SACDs.
The Evolution Acoustics MM2 Loudspeakers with a brace of Audionet MAX monoblock amplifiers and the PRE G2 preamp on the Walker Audio Prologue Rack.
GamuT Audio Zodiac Advertence Loudspeakers; Evolution Acoustics MM2 loudspeakers with EXACT Alien Crossovers.
The Audionet PRE G2 Preamp.
The PASS Labs Xs 150 Monoblock Amps and Ability Food on Critical Mass Systems QXK Amp Stands
PASS Labs Xs Advertence Phono Amp, Xs Advertence Preamp, and Xs 150 Advertence Monoblock Amps; Audionet Pre G2 advertence preamplifier, Audionet Max monoblock amplifiers, Audionet Pam G2 advertence phono preamplifier with EPX ability supply, new Walker Audio Procession Advertence Phono Amplifier (as of 2015).

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Lloyd Walker's aberrant Walker Audio Proscenium Atramentous Diamond Akin V Turntable on its Prologue Rack, with Peter Ledermann's Soundsmith Hyperion MI Cartridge. The Proscenium Atramentous Diamond Akin V arrangement was upgraded (April 6-7, 2016) to the new Walker Air Accumulation and new Procession Advertence Phono Amp. Massive footfall forward!
The new Walker Audio Proscenium Air Accumulation System...a aloft development (installed April 6-7, 2016).
The darTZeel CTH-8550 Chip Amplifier does a ablaze job demography the augment from the new Walker Audio Procession Advertence Phono Amp and brim the augment to the Evolution Acoustics MM2 Loudspeakers with EXACT alien crossovers.
On the added ancillary of the alert room, the Audionet PAM G2 Advertence Phono Amplifier, powered by the Audionet EPX Advertence Ability Supply.
The Audionet MAX Monoblock Advertence Amplifiers.
A best able direct-drive turntable, the EMT 948, outfitted with a Durand Kairos 10.5" tonearm and the new van den Hul Colibri Stradivarius Signature MC cartridge. Previously in this bureaucracy was an Air Tight Opus 1 MC cartridge.
Critical Mass Systems QXK Arbor with (from top) Playback Designs Sonoma Stack (Merlot Quad DSD DAC, Oppo BDP-103 Opbox SACD Transport, Pinot Quad DSD ADC, and Syrah Quad DSD Music Server) and PASS Labs Xs Advertence Preamp.
Stillpoints ESS Arbor with Filigree Shelves and Ultra V Abreast Anxiety apartment (from top) Complete Galleries SGM2015 Music Server, PASS Labs Xs Phono Amp, Nagra HD DAC, PASS Labs Ability Accumulation for Xs Preamp, and Nagra HD DAC Ability Supply.
Digital: Complete Galleries SGM2015 8x DSD Music Server with HP anthology computer for alien chump support; Nagra HD 2xDSD DAC; Playback Designs Merlot Quad DSD DAC, Pinot Quad DSD ADC, and Syrah Quad DSD Music Server, with Oppo BDP-103 optical carriage with Opbox optical advocate for PLINK affiliation to Playback Designs devices; Merging Technologies NADAC 8-channel Quad DSD and PCM DAC, Lampizator Golden Gate 8x (DSD512) SET tubed DSD DAC (updated to all latest modifications, August, 2017); exaSound e28 Mk. II 8-channel Quad DSD/PCM DAC; Furutech STRATOS Quad DSD DAC; Marantz UD9004 Blu Ray/Universal Player; Merging Technologies HAPI Quad DSD ADDA with Pyramix 9.x DAW software on a committed Dell Precision 2800 i7 anthology with 8 GB RAM and 256GB SSD (currently on amount to Cookie Marenco and Blue Coast Records for assembly assignment there); Korg MR-2000S Double DSD-capable agenda recorder.
The Merging Technologies NADAC MC-8 Ethernet-based eight-channel Quad DSD DAC on the Stillpoints ESS Advertence Arbor with Filigree Shelves on the Stillpoints Ultra 5 Abreast Feet.
The LampizatOr Golden Gate 2 Directly-Heated Triode 8x DSD (DSD512) DAC on the Stillpoints ESS Advertence Rack, comatose on Stillpoints Ultra 5 Abreast Feet.
The absolutely seductive MESH 45 Directly-Heated Triode Tube on the LampizatOr Golden Gate Quad DSD DAC.
Analog: Walker Audio Proscenium Atramentous Diamond Akin V advertence turntable arrangement (upgraded to abounding Akin V as of 06/02/14) with the Atramentous Diamond Arm, Soundsmith Hyperion MI cartridge, and Silent Antecedent Silver (as of 11/11/14) absolute affiliation to the new Walker Audio Procession Advertence Phono Amp (with the new Walker Audio Ability Accumulation for the Procession, as of 06/02/14), and the new adapted air accumulation and crystals for the turntable (updated 4/7/16); EMT 948 best able direct-drive turntable and tonearm with Air Tight Opus 1 MC cartridge; ATR Services Ampex ATR-102 accessible reel band deck, Technics RS-1700 15ips reel-to-reel band recorder, Revox B-77 Mk. II 15 ips half-track reel-to-reel band recorder, Pioneer RT-707 7.5 ips division clue reel-to-reel band recorder, Nakamichi Dragon advertence cassette deck.
ATR Services Ampex ATR-102 RTR recorder with Reeltronix take-up reel
ATR Services Ampex ATR-102 half-track quarter-inch RTR recorder
Sonoma Acoustics Archetypal One HPEL headphones; JPS Labs Abyss AB-1266 advertence headphones; Astell & Kern AKT8iE in-ear monitors; Audeze LCD-4 Revision 2 headphones with Audeze counterbalanced and asymmetric cables, and cables by Double Helix (Prion4 counterbalanced and single-ended) and Nordost (Helmdall 2 balanced, single-ended, and 3.5mm), Oppo PM-1 headphones, Sennheiser HD800 headphones (balanced) with Cardas Bright Headphone Cable (2 meter), Cardas Sennheiser connectors, and Cardas Counterbalanced connectors, Cardas Bright Balanced-to-1/4" stereo jack adapter, Double Helix Cables Complement3 counterbalanced and single-ended cables, Blue Microphones MoFi powered headphones, JH Audio JH16 Pro In-Ear Monitor System, Cardas 5813 In-Ear Monitors.
Sonoma Acoustics Archetypal One Advertence Headphones and Headphone Amp with Double DSD DAC; OPPO Agenda Sonica Quad DSD DAC; eXemplar audio eXception Advertence Headphone Amp, upgraded copy (as of August, 2017); Astell & Kern AK-380 DSD DAC/Headphone Amp with Quad DSD playback in Built-in mode; Astell & Kern CD-Ripper; ALO Studio Six advertence tubed headphone amplifier; Oppo Agenda HA-1 headphone amplifier and Quad DSD DAC; Cembalo Labs Spring 1 Headphone Amp; ALO Audio Continental DSD DAC and headphone amp; Aurender FLOW DSD DAC and headphone amp; Ray Samuels SR-71B carriageable headphone amplifier (balanced and asymmetric connections).
Interconnects by Kubala-Sosna Research, TARA Labs, Skogrand Cables, Synergistic Research, Cardas, JENA Labs, Silent Source, Evolution Acoustics, Harmonic Technology, Stereovox, Atramentous Cat, Esperanto Audio, and Linn. Apostle cables by Kubala-Sosna Research, TARA Labs, Skogrand Cables, JENA Labs, Cardas, Silent Source, and Linn. Ability cables by Purist Audio, Kubala-Sosna Research, TARA Labs, Skogrand, Furutech, JENA Labs, Cardas, Evolution Acoustics, Aboriginal Consequence Music, Silent Source, DH Labs, Aboriginal Consequence Music, and VansEvers.
The Kubala-Sosna XPander Ability Administration Unit
In its own category: The GamuT Lobster Chair for reference-grade audiophile alert and evaluations. Abysmal Zone Meditative Listening, for sure!
Critical Mass Systems QXK Arbor Arrangement and QXK Amp Stand; Synergistic Research arrangement enhancements, including Atmosphere ATM, HFT's, MiG 2.0 abreast anxiety with HFT, Grounding Block, and Atramentous Box; two (2) Stillpoints ESS Racks with filigree shelves and Ultra 5 abreast feet, Ultra 5 apostle abreast feet; Walker Audio Prologue Rack, Walker Audio Prologue Turntable Stand, Walker Audio Prologue Amplifier Stands, Walker Audio Valid Points and Valid Points affability kits, two Walker Audio Velocitor SS Ability Band Enhancers on Velocitor Stands, one Walker Audio Velocitor Ability Band Enhancer on a Velocitor Stand (line conditioning for Walker Audio Proscenium turntable system), KLaudio CD-CLN-LP 200 Ultrasonic LP Cleaner with Silencer sonic enclosure, KLAudio Automatic LP Loader for their Ultrasonic LP Cleaner, with 7" and 10" almanac adapters; Furutech Demaga LP/SACD/CD/Blu Ray/DVD/cable demagnetizer; Furutech DF-2 LP flattener, Vibraplane turntable abreast platform, Atramentous Diamond Racing "The Shelf" and cones, Committed Audio Cable Tower cable supports, VPI 17F LP charwoman arrangement with the latest Walker Prelude Almanac Charwoman Arrangement (11/2011 edition), Walker Audio Extreme SST Contact Enhancer (2011), Walker Audio Ultra Vivid SACD/DVD/CD enhancer (improved formulation, 06/2009), Walker Audio Talisman LP/disc De-static device, Furutech DeStat II changeless neutralizer, Furutech RD-2 SACD/DVD/CD demagnetizer, Stein Music DE-2 CD/SACD degausser and DE-3 LP Conditioner, Furutech DeMag LP/SACD/DVD/CD degausser, Furutech SK-II Electrostatic Brush, Audioquest Anti-Static Almanac Charwoman Brush, Cen-Tech Analog Complete Akin Meter, KAB Speed Strobe turntable strobe altitude system, hifi4music Digistrobo turntable strobe altitude system, acoustical treatments by Walker Audio, ASC and NuCore, Kubala-Sosna XPander Ability Administration Unit, JENA Labs Sequoia Advertence Ability Administration Unit; PS Audio PerfectWave Ability Plant P10, Walker Audio Atramentous Diamond Allowance Affability Crystals kit.
The KLAudio KD-CLN-LP200 Ultrasonic Almanac Cleaner with its LP Loader option, automatically charwoman up to 5 LPs at a time.
My alert allowance is of aberrant shape, actuality 12.5' advanced x 13.5' continued in the appropriate section, and 18' continued in the larboard (equipment) section, with a beam acme of 8'. It is cambered larboard and right, with no erect bend on the sidewalls to beam transition. Architecture was done with 2" x 6" studs, wall-within-a-wall on the larboard and appropriate abandon (media accumulator in a allowance to the left, accessories accumulator in a allowance to the right). The allowance is on the additional floor, anon over the garage—no aggressive sounds. The adjacency is quiet, actuality amid on top of a acropolis some 500 anxiety aloft the basin below, the alert allowance faces south, abroad from the capital admission road. I've abstinent the room's babble attic application the AudioTools app with my iPhone 6 at 30dB, a absolute acceptable cardinal for the "real world." In added words, appealing blood-soaked quiet.
Power to apparatus in the alert allowance is absolutely dedicated. 10 barometer Romex was pulled anon from the panel, all from the aforementioned pole to abstain arena loops. Four 20 amplifier runs were done, and Tesla Flex and JENA Labs cryo-treated AC receptacles were installed. All lights and borderline apparatus are on abstracted circuits. Circuits accept been activated for able arena and polarity.
Robinson's Home Amphitheater System
The home amphitheater arrangement is housed in our abundant room. The ambit are 18' advanced by 24' long, with a ailing and alveolate beam that's 16' aerial at the centermost of the lengthwise allowance line. The broiler armament a "shift left" of the Aerial Definition TV and the L/C/R playback, a all-important accommodation that skews the complete somewhat, but still allows for a acceptable home theater/surround complete experience.
Robinson's Advertence Desktop/Computer-based/Internet-based Music System

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