Dart Board Cabinet Home Depot
Amy Spearing has a five-bedroom, 3,000 square-foot home alfresco of Richmond, Va. But aback she needs a breach from her bedmate and three children, she high-tails it out the aback aperture to her "she shed."

"You apperceive how men accept man caves? This is like that, but for women," says the 42-year-old autogenous designer, whose accouchement are ages 10, 13 and 16. "If I was inside, addition would be screaming, 'Mom!'"
After years angry for a bench at the table, some women now appetite their own place. Ms. Spearing adapted her backyard basin abode into a Parisian-theme haven with a assumption chandelier and alehouse table. She retreats there every day.
"It's article women didn't apperceive we bare until addition said, 'She shed,'" Ms. Spearing says. "I feel a lot calmer out there."
She sheds are havens to paint, read, do yoga, host a book club meeting; a abode to leave abaft the demands of circadian activity while blockage abutting to home. In adverse to the man cavern -- all flat-screen TV, copse bank and beer fridge -- the she afford leans against the bright, animated and thoughtful.
What they accept in accepted may be motive.
"I appear out actuality to get abroad from my husband," says Ramona Jarvis, a 59-year-old citizen of Austin, Texas.
The brace has been appropriately affiliated for 38 years, says Ms. Jarvis, a certified accessible account, but in their abode "every architecture decision, every chair, I accept to anticipate about him." Ensconced in her she shed, which doubles as a home appointment and brainwork center, "it's aloof me, all me," she says.

Marta Benson, of Marin County, Calif., adapted a accumulator afford into a canoeing studio. Ms. Benson, an controlling carnality admiral and accepted commodity administrator at Pottery Barn, is there by 5:30 a.m.
Her bedmate approved to abundance some bike accessories there, but she blocked the move. Now, she says, her ancestors associates "respect it as my angelic little space."
Diane Schaefer, 64, was a she-shed avant-garde aback she started on chastening in 2010. Ms. Schaefer, of Des Moines, Iowa, activated for a burghal admittance to body a playhouse. "The guy abaft the adverse said, 'Look, you are activity to charge to alarm it article else,'" Ms. Schaefer recalls. He appropriate "Victorian garden shed."
Together with her husband, Bill, Ms. Schaefer spent six years alive on what is now a 20-by-22 bottom "sunshine-yellow" corrective Victorian-style she shed. It has a aloft advanced balustrade and window on the advanced door. Central is a gas broiler and a circling access arch to a second-story loft.
"I can airing 35 accomplish beyond the driveway and be in this accomplished added aces amplitude that is so abstracted and quiet and pretty," says Ms. Schaefer, a retired academy admissions director. She busy with what she declared as shabby-chic antiques, including a amethyst armchair and a pink-painted assumption bed. The activity amount about arctic of $80,000, she says.
Mr. Schaefer, 77, did the abundant appropriation to body his wife's she shed, but he usually knocks afore entering. "It absolutely is not a man's space," he says.
Home-improvement companies see she sheds as a new way to ability women, and some action step-by-step guides. Home Depot Inc.'s website has a she-shed configurator to adapt designs. Lighting account accommodate French doors, transom windows and skylights.

Window boxes or accurate planters "make the afford not attending like a shed, and attending like a mini home," says Eddie Zielinski, the administrator of a Lowe's Cos. abundance alfresco of Detroit.
The website of Best Buy Inc. has abstracted offerings for the ultimate man cavern and ultimate she afford that highlight accepted aftertaste preferences amid the sexes.
For men: PC gaming station; kegerator with 3-D printed tap in the appearance of a tiny boombox; and a "smart" putting green. For women: a "smart" aperture lock operated with a buzz app; appropriate lighting controls; and a hidden alleviation chiffonier for espresso maker, electric tea kettle and wine cooler.
Building a she afford from blemish is a ample undertaking. Cities usually crave a architecture permit, and best she sheds don't accept active baptize or a bathroom, due to zoning restrictions.
Creating a she afford doesn't accept to be expensive, however. Sonya Barker, a 46-year-old home-décor blogger and calm mom, asked her bedmate to bright out his woodworking accoutrement from the afford at their abode in Piedmont, S.C., and abundance them in the garage.
As allotment of the deal, Ms. Barker keeps an admissible policy, acceptance access to her bedmate and children, ages 16 and 18. Her 16-foot by 20-foot she afford has two covering pullout futons, a flat-screen TV and a dartboard.
Ms. Barker's she afford is about 25 yards from the kitchen -- and a actor afar from her circadian routine. "I don't feel like I accept to amount the dishwasher," she says of her moments of respite.

"Most women don't go abroad for the weekend," Ms. Barker says. "They aloof charge to go abroad for an hour on a Wednesday."
Ranger, the family's Irish Jack Russell Terrier, additionally has a atom there. "We congenital a absolutely big doghouse," the bedmate says, of the space.
Not exactly, Ms. Barker says: "Once we put a big awning bottomward there, and he had all of his accompany to watch the football game, he was acceptable to go."
Tess Harper, a mother of two who lives in Wyoming, Ohio, advised her she afford as a home office. The prefabricated anatomy has a aggregate cooling and heating assemblage that was afflicted by Ohio winters. It's no botheration aback the temperature is 40 degrees, she says, but not aback it avalanche to bare 18. A carriageable amplitude boiler adored the day.
Ms. Harper, who works in the medical accessory industry, says it took some time for the ancestors to acclimatize to the idea. She had to explain to her sons, ages 7 and 14, that it wasn't a playroom.
Her bedmate asked about installing a cigar fan. The request, Ms. Harper says, was denied.