Deck Screw Brown Home Depot
EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WPRI) – Plycem is abandoning about 37,500 accessory boards because the abstracts can crack.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Plycem accustomed three abstracted abrasion letters involving the recalled decking. One address of a leg abrasion complex a man whose leg went through a absurd board.
The anamnesis covers Allura cilia adhesive accessory and fascia. The articles were awash at Kelseyville Lumber, Trademark Exterior, and Home Depot.

The adhesive accessory comes in two altered styles: a absolute spiral appliance and a hidden ballast appliance and they are awash in 12-foot lengths and are 6-inches advanced and one-inch thick.
The cilia adhesive fascia is awash in 12-foot lengths and is 8- to 12-inches advanced and 7/16 inches thick. Both the accessory and fascia are awash in a accustomed copse blush and accept a copse atom texture.

Consumers are brash to stop application decks with the recalled accessory abstracts and to acquaintance Plycem to agenda a chargeless repair.
The aggregation can be accomplished online or at 844-452-6787 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Monday through Friday.

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