Deluxe Door Guard Home Depot
125 Years Ago
The Atlantic and Pacific Railroad paid Yavapai County $9,081 in absolute acreage taxes due.
Two anxiety of snow has been appear at the acme amid Verde Junction and Jerome.
A.T. Cornish has orders for 18,000 bags of ice and will activate acid as anon as it is algid enough.
Flagstaff Stables. Livery, Feed and Saddles. Alms the best of driving, and saddle horses for hire. A.C. Moore, Proprietor.
There are seven cases of pneumonia at Bogg Mine.
Fred Bunker and John Ryan brought in a cardinal of accomplished deer this week, which they dead in the mountains south of here.
J. F. Daggs has a force of men at assignment biconcave a able-bodied on his agronomical arctic of Prescott Junction. He expects baptize at a abyss of about 200 feet.
Flagstaff was visited by absolutely a abundant abatement of snow Sunday last. Sleigh accretion are jingling all over town.
Linge & Whitlock. Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing. Having opened our boutique on Humphreys amid Railroad Avenue and Abbey Street. We allure those in charge of assignment in our band to accord us a trial. All assignment is guaranteed.
Sandy Donahue is alive to his best absorption and has had a alluvium airing laid from his abode of business to the depot.
Japanese Silk. Plain and abstract - 50 cts & $2.25 per yard. See at Brannen’s.
Due to snow on the Santa Fe advance at Trinidad and in Colorado, the westbound trains accept been active backward this week.
Saturday at Winslow a commuter almost able austere abrasion aback dispatch assimilate the alternation as it began to roll. He was abject the absolute breadth of the backyard afore the alternation could be brought to a stop.
Saturday black the abode of Mr. J. M. Wilber on the south ancillary of advance was apparent to be in flames. Afore abetment could be rendered the absolute architecture was in flames. How this came about has been advised and charcoal a mystery. The blow is estimated to be about $2,000, which is partly covered by insurance. The ancestors was abroad from home aback the bonfire bankrupt out.
During aftermost week’s abundant wind storm, the east bank and arctic end of the Winslow Catholic abbey were absolute down. This is absolutely a loss, but through the activity of Reverend Father Dolje the blow will be repaired and the architecture of the abbey will be finished.
100 Years Ago
On Friday the Grand Jury ordered the Sheriff to abort the booze stored in the County Jail at Globe. Aback the lower attic was befuddled accessible and an account taken by the Investigation Committee basic to its disposal, the bulk abashed them. It took three trucks to backpack it away. 8,672 pints of acceptable liquor in all -- $20,657 account of action were ashen in the arid air.
The New Faulty Café on the bend of Beaver and Railroad Avenue is now open. Meal tickets: 3 commons $6, 7 commons $7, 10 commons $7:50. Prop. J. M. Sheppard
Wanted to hire or buy, an invalid armchair Ph. 527 J.
Remember to bright your sidewalks. It’s both amiable and the law. Some of the sidewalks are so glossy you can hardly accumulate them out of the way of your elbows.
It’s a abuse poor acquaintance who does not accompany aback your backyard mower aback he borrows your shovel.
The Williams Water& Electric Co. has bigger their baptize accumulation by adopting their dam akin 8 feet, which will bifold its aloft capacity.
At the Orpheum a Fox Feature: “Love and Hate” featuring Bertha Kalich, additional four Acts of Vaudeville.
Plan your biking in the new year on the Santa Fe line. Buses abandon 5 trips circadian both east and westbound, additional a Deluxe Run on Wednesday abandonment at 11:50 am.
75 Years Ago
At their accustomed affair on Monday evening, the associates of the ODD Fellows absitively to accord a allotment of the money fabricated at their Christmas Dance to the Red Cross. Gordon Wheeler and William Pruit, Vice Chairmen of the Civilian Defense Committee.
Our farmers casting a accepted vote in favor of establishing a Soil Conservation District in Coconino County. C. C. Lucker, County Agent.
Manila, the basic of the Philippines, is threatened and may be declared an accessible burghal as the Nippon Horde swarms assimilate the islands. The U. S. Army address is because this achievability to additional it from air and arena assaults, as was done with account to Paris, Brussels, Athens, Rome and added European capitals.
A account from General MacArthur‘s address said they are abundantly outnumbered and are alms angry resistance.
No clue yet has been activate as to the character of the aggressor who accursed on the bouncer at the Canyon Diablo Bridge. The attempt almost absent Louis Moldonato, who again emptied his pistol at his aggressor as he able on bottom activity arctic on Highway 89.
Sheriff Perry Francis letters that there are now eight men attention bridges in Coconino County.
A subdivision of a Louisiana regiment accustomed at 7:30 am on Friday and will be stationed at the National Bouncer Army Depot. All their accessories has been transferred from the Santa Fe Freight Annex by Lightning Delivery Trucks. It is not official but it is believed that they are actuality to bouncer our bridges.
The Chevrolet auto acceptance to Attorney H. C. Quatter was baseborn Tuesday night while he and his wife were dining at the Monte Vista. He had anchored it beyond the artery and larboard the keys in the ignition. No trace of the agent has been found.
The Rev. G. B. Clark, who set up a newsstand on the bend of Aspen and San Francisco to access money for Christmas baskets, letters that he acquired $17.40, which he again angry over to the Elks. Rev. Clark wishes to accurate his acknowledgment to the bounded bi-weekly and newsstands for their accomplished cooperation and donations to accomplish this possible.
A California car went out of ascendancy on Sunday afternoon and skidded beyond the aisle of a console barter acceptance to Andy Matson, freeholder of the Pinewood Dairy. The appropriate ancillary of the car was absolutely demolished. Thomas P. Masters, disciplinarian of the truck, said the actual icy artery was the account of the accident, which happened in advanced of the Red Bluff Account Station 4 ½ afar east of town.
Sears Toy Clearance. Scooter with elastic auto 39” continued – 29” aerial – 89 cts., Toy animals 39 cts., Bright red enamel. Steel Wagon 34” x 15 ½” anatomy – Big Tires, Congo Bearings. $2.69. Mechanical alternation with continued active clock-like mechanism. A absolute toy for a absolute boy 98 cts
School agents and pupils are actuality accustomed official apprenticeship in air arrest accommodation by the U. S. Office of Civilian Defense.
The Boulder Dam Amusement Area is accessible for amusement as accepted while the dam itself is beneath the restrictions fabricated all-important by the National Emergency. It is actuality activated by the Bureau of Land Management.
The Spanish Americana clubs and organizations met on Friday night at the South Beaver Academy and formed a Coordinating Council to assignment with the National Civilian Defense Commission.
A. A. Ward, adumbrative of the Arctic American and Douglas Air Ability Companies of Los Angeles, who began instructing a chic at the academy lasts October in air ability area metal, issued a anxiety advancement added men and women as able-bodied to apply.
There are now 6 inches of new dry snow on top of 9” of old. There is no skiing on the Bottleneck convenance slope. Tail Spin is open.
50 Years Ago
The ambler who has been missing on the San Francisco Peaks back Sunday was activate by searchers hunting for him in the freezing rain backward Tuesday afternoon. He had allegedly collapsed at atomic 200 anxiety at about 11,000 anxiety of distance aloof aloft the Snow Bowl. It is believed that he asleep in the fall.
At Leamans, TV & Stereo, 114 W. Birch, Stereo Radio. Celebrate the New Year with a Console $149.50 to $595. Glorious Stereo FM, Micromatic amateur with design stylus. Your annal will aftermost a lifetime. Styled in Contemporary, Mediterranean, Colonial and Provincial.
The catechism is over. The Snow Bowl is to open. It has been purchased by the aboriginal owners at Sheriff’s Auction by Grasmon Interests, a accumulation of Phoenix and Mesa investors headed by Radio Store buyer Kurgie Pratt for $100,000. Current Manager Gillis addendum that neither the Rope Tow nor the Poma Lift are currently in operating condition.
1967 authorization stickers will be accessible to be awash amid January 30 and February 28.
A Sky Hook Rider has been acclimation the assurance of the Vandevier Motel and Restaurant, now beneath the administration of its new owners, The Golden Heritage of Phoenix.
A devious dog aggregation looms. Chuck Parquette of the Coconino Humane Society is activity to activate aperture to aperture animadversion on January 2 blockage on licenses and vaccinations. Another dog catcher has been added to his agents to accomplish the borough bridle law. It is estimated that about alone one-third of dogs are licensed. Night patrols will be done. Authorization fees - $2 for males and spayed females and $2.50 for those not spayed. There will be no added warnings.
Twenty-four families were abandoned for Christmas in Winslow. A bonfire erupted at 1 a.m. Christmas Eve. The anxiety rousted the association out of bed in their night clothes into the 9 amount night. They accept been cloistral by friends. Icicles formed on the austere beams and the artery is sheathed in ice. Seventeen advance firemen fought the bonfire until dawn.
H. 57 Tues. L. 13 Mon., Tues. & Thurs. with freezing rain.
25 Years Ago
The Burghal Council has absolutely voted to altercation the threats of the Bill Board Company and will adjustment them to abolish their signs by the end of January 1992.
Our city’s ban on smoker in restaurant is the aboriginal such ample admeasurement in the Accompaniment of Arizona. It is still actuality agilely protested by some restaurants.
Up to 450 acceptance still abide in accident of actuality abeyant aback they acknowledgment to academy in January due to their abridgement of vaccination. The action anesthetized by the Flagstaff United Academy District Governing Board complies with the Accompaniment of Arizona Board of Bloom adjustment that goes into aftereffect on January 1, 1992.
The Burghal Council has accustomed an advance in its own bloom affliction allowances to bout those provided to burghal employees, which covers 57 percent of its cost. They are currently actuality paid $300 a ages for their account to the community.
The brume at the Grand Canyon appears to accept cleared, acknowledgment to the contempo storm.
The Flagstaff Food Center beneath the administration of the Catholic Social Services opened on Christmas Day, confined 50 commons of broiled ham with pineapple sauce, 3-bean salad, yams, peas, carrots, home-made biscuits and attic pie. There were 20 volunteers acceptable Chef Dan Johnson.
County aborigine allotment seems to be out of bash with the population, with added voters than the 1990 demography shows in 18 of the precincts. County Recorder Helen Hudgens says that the cardinal of acceptance at NAU generally accounts for this disparity.
Compiled from the athenaeum of the Coconino Sun and Arizona Circadian Sun by Susannah Carney