Deodorizer For Air Ducts At Home Depot
Q • We had our air ducts activated by Laclede Gas. They bootless with a 73 percent leakage. Their architect is accommodating to fix the leaks for $1,000. The Earth Means Center recommends sealing the ducts with aqueduct sealing mastic and not aqueduct tape. All the accouterments food and big box home advance food alone advertise aqueduct tape. Any abstraction area I can buy aqueduct sealing mastic and how to administer it? It will save me money by accepting all the absent air activity to calefaction the admiral apartment and not the basement.

You are allurement a actual appropriate catechism that has a abeyant to save a archetypal ancestors $150 per year. Ducts are generally leaky; crumbling as abundant as 20 percent of the heating and cooling activity acclimated by your home.
There are several means to actuate if you accept aperture ductwork:

• Apartment that are difficult to calefaction or cool.
• Filters that get bedraggled quickly, advertence leaks in acknowledgment ducts.

• Streaks of dust at aqueduct access or annals vents
• Poor air breeze at registers.

Sealing ducts is article you can do if the ducts are readily accessible, but those buried in walls, attics, basements and ceilings may best be larboard to heating and cooling contractors who specialize in aqueduct repairs. There are simple aliment that the boilerplate homeowner can do. Start by axis on your heating and cooling fan and blockage for leaks. Look for ducts that accept been broken or become loose. Use aerosol cream to allowance gaps about ductwork area they access a beam or floor. Use aqueduct insulation actual with a minimum appraisement of R6 to insulate ductwork in crawlspaces or attics.
Now, in acknowledgment to sealing ductwork, you are correct. Aqueduct band should NOT be acclimated to allowance aperture ducts. The botheration is aqueduct band has a abbreviate lifespan and will not bear aerial temperatures. The able actual to use is mastic, metal-backed tape, or aerosol sealant. Mastic is a fibrous, water-based, adhesive adhesive that dries to a bendable solid. When appliance mastic or metal band to allowance ductwork, the artefact should be UL 181 approved. (We backpack both in the accouterments administration at The Home Depot.) Mastic is calmly activated with a besom or trowel. The architect recommends appliance array of .07 to .09 inches. You may appetite to accede reinforcing the allowance by embedding a reinforcing film such as fiberglass tape.

Dave Foster is the abundance administrator for the Home Depot in Brentwood.