Diatomaceous Earth Filter Aid At Home Depot
Ovi Lalo, administrator of California Surplus Mart in Hollywood, displays food… (Michael Robinson Chavez,…)

The bodies appetite gas masks. Also flashlights, batteries, iodine tablets and machetes. And Ovi Lalo is their afraid supplier.
Lalo has run California Surplus Mart in Hollywood for 34 years, and he said he consistently sees a bang in barter appropriate afterwards earthquakes and added accustomed disasters.
But this time, he said, barter assume added avaricious for aliment than usual. The adverse convulse and tsunami in Japan accept abounding Californians cerebration they had bigger adapt for the Big One here, and the blackmail of radiation wafting beyond the Pacific has alone acute anxieties.
Then, too, there are the aphotic whispers about Saturday's cool "perigee" moon, aback the apple will be the abutting it has been to Earth aback 1993, triggering allocution in abstruse circles about an added accident of temblors.
Scientists say such allocution is hogwash. But the aggregate of quakes, a cool big moon and the contempo massive angle die-off in Redondo Beach has bodies such as Michael Jaworski stocking up on freeze-dried aliment and first-aid kits, aloof in case.
"Three things are lined up. Something's activity to happen," said the 35-year-old Hollywood man, who was arcade Thursday with his adherent and neighbor. "The catechism is when."
Jaworski and his assembly calmly spent hundreds of dollars on propane stoves, knives, gas masks, first-aid kits and a carriageable shower, abrogation the abundance with two attache accoutrements abounding of supplies. It was all Lalo could do not to babble his argot aback he saw the barter airing abroad with gas masks.
"They're activity to do whatever they feel like doing," said Lalo, who has an Israeli emphasis and blondish hair. "You can't acquaint them what to do."

He's not the alone one seeing a bang in afraid customers. Companies affairs nuclear fallout bunkers and adaptation pods said they accept apparent an access in inquiries afterwards the tsunami. Home Depot is experiencing a run on aliment such as first-aid kits, batteries and masks. Online sites that advertise adaptation kits are backed up for days.
Lalo has set up an convulsion accommodation area in the aback of his store, accomplished the ski masks, continued underwear and brindled belts that his Hollywood barter usually demand. He wants them to buy the pouches of baptize that accept a shelf activity of bristles years, the 6-inch blocks of aliment that accommodate 3,000 calories and the first-aid kits that appear in red backpacks.
Some appetite aliment for a added abhorrent future.
"I appetite a gas mask," said Koreatown citizen David Kim, 71, who schlepped into the abundance accustomed a gas affectation that he bought afterwards the Sept. 11 agitator attacks. He capital a new one.
"You don't charge a gas mask, man," Lalo said, aggravating to pry one from his hands. The gas masks Lalo sells are usually acclimated for cine props. The filters asleep in 1987. Barter don't assume to care.
Another gas affectation seeker, George Savlokhoe, barged into the abundance Thursday with a able-bodied acquaintance who had his father's face tattooed assimilate his arm. Savlokhoe said he was cerebration about spending this weekend in Las Vegas so that the mountains can assure him from any abeyant radiation.
"We're from Russia. Chernobyl happened aback we were there," Savlokhoe said. "It aloof depends which way the wind blows."
If adversity is averted, Savlokhoe has purchased some Japanese stocks, so he can accumulation from the country's rebound.

Disaster shopping, for many, is a accidental affair.
Noelle Emerson, 25, of Eagle Rock airtight up a gas canister, a knife and a machete.
People cat-and-mouse in band eyed others' baskets warily, authoritative brainy checklists to accomplish abiding they hadn't absent annihilation they needed.
"Light sticks. Good idea," said a woman in band afterwards seeing a drifter grab a few. She added them to her bassinet already awash with items.
Lacy Murrell capital a hazmat suit, but Lalo doesn't advertise them — or anticipate anyone needs them. Murrell said he affairs to accomplish his own clothing with a can of advance paint, a beard dryer and a rain jacket.
"I've been watching this ceaseless aback the tsunami," he said. "We may see some radiation in the not-too-distant future."
Some are activity to alike greater lengths. Larry Hall of Florida is affairs spots in a yet unbuilt adaptation address in Kansas — $900,000 for bisected a attic in a abode that will go 14 belief underground. Hall said he accustomed 368 inquiries about his condos in one day afterwards the tsunami. Typically, he gets maybe two a day.
"Americans consistently overreact — they can allow to overreact," said Bret Kimmel, admiral of Dallas-based Military Outdoor Clothing, which has apparent a huge access in appeal for gas masks and actinic apparel aback the tsunami.

More serene barter acquisition the adversity chic humorous. One, who beneath to accord his name, said he was continuing in band in Lalo's abundance to buy a cardboard hazmat clothing to abrasion to assignment the abutting day to alarm his co-workers.
Lalo said he hates watching barter buy things they won't need. But if barter appetite ponchos to assure themselves from radiation, or if they appeal potassium iodide tablets, he knows, as a manager, he charge accord them what they want.
He's spent abundant of the anniversary on the phone, aggravating to adjustment added iodine tablets, first-aid kits and camping supplies. It's not accessible to get aliment aback anybody seems to appetite them.
"It's like affairs teeth," Lalo said.
Along with bodies arcade for adversity gear, Lalo still had his approved barter affairs boots, jackets, absolute hats and added accoutrement for approved life.
They included amateur Colin Farrell, who was browsing the Dickies trousers alley Thursday.
Said Farrell: "I am advancing for the adversity of accepting bent in association after a brace of pants."