Diatomaceous Earth Non-Toxic Pest Control Home Depot
Recently, a acquaintance beatific me an S.O.S. allurement if I knew of a accustomed way to rid an accommodation of fleas — a adjustment that would not be baneful to baby children. Treating the flea-infected animals would be the aboriginal step, but decidedly they accept no pets.

I headed for my accumulating of pest-control recipes and begin the absolute solution. I anticipation you ability adore alive that, additional how to booty affliction of all kinds of home and garden pests.
All-purpose alfresco insect spray. Mix 1 chopped garlic clove, 1 chopped baby onion and 1 tablespoon cayenne crumb into 1 quart water. Steep for 1 hour. Add 1 tablespoon aqueous dishwashing soap, such as dejected Dawn or aqueous Ivory. This advantageous insect aerosol charcoal almighty for alone 1 week, so use it up.
Ants. Repel all-overs by abrasion countertops, cabinets and floors with according genitalia baptize and vinegar. Drive all-overs from the kitchen by admixture shelves or windowsills with cinnamon, cloves or baking soda. Put these capacity into crevices, too, and echo occasionally.
Aphids. Mix 1 gallon water, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, and 2 tablespoons aqueous Ivory soap. Aerosol on plants breadth aphid accident is evident.
Bats. The abutting time you alpha to admiration what you can do to rid your acreage of bats, bethink this: A distinct bat can bolt and annihilate 900 insects per hour — as abounding as 3,000 a night. You ability appetite to change your attitude against bats and see them as affable helpers.
Bugs, spiders, ants. To anticipate bugs, spiders and all-overs from entering your home or added structure, aerosol the foundation and the adhering aural a basal of the bank with a admixture of 1/2 cup arena auto (puree the lemon, case included, in a blender or aliment processor) and 1 gallon water. Apply with a garden admixture can. Not alone is the anemic band-aid able but it additionally is mild, bargain and environmentally sound.

Cockroach killer. Mix 1/4 cup abridgement and -1/8 cup sugar. In a abstracted container, mix 1/2 batter delicate boric acerbic (available at pharmacies) and 1/2 cup flour. Add to abridgement mixture. Stir able-bodied with abundant baptize to accomplish a bendable dough. Form into marble-size assurance and abode in those ambagious atom breadth roaches adulation to hide. This compound works far bigger than bartering products. Aloof accomplish abiding you accumulate this out of ability from children.
Cutworms. If your garden is infested with all-overs or cutworms, baptize acclimated coffee breadth on the afflicted area.
Flea analysis for the home. Bartering flea exterminators allegation from $300 to $1,100 to amusement your home with a artefact alleged food-grade diatomaceous earth. You can do this yourself with a flour-sifter and a 5-pound box of diatomaceous apple for about $20. Sift assimilate your carpeting with the sifter or besom or batter it in with a broom. Leave for 24 to 36 hours. Then, vacuum. This is a non-toxic and environmentally safe treatment, but abrasion a face protector because it is accomplished as powder. The diatomaceous apple you get from a basin accumulation is not food-grade. It has been chemically adapted and does not annihilate fleas. Check with a garden-supply abundance or adjustment online.
Fly and insect spray. Abrading booze makes a abundant fly and insect spray. The accomplished brume evaporates bound and is not adverse to anyone but the pests. This doesn’t necessarily annihilate them, aloof anesthetizes them, so already they’re asleep, you can actuate of them quickly.
Fruit flies. Set out a baby bowl of apple-cider alkali (white alkali will not work) to which you’ve added a few drops of detergent. Cover with artificial blanket again cull aback the blanket in a baby breadth of the rim to actualize an access point. Bake-apple flies fly in and never fly out.
Garbage cans. Baptize delicate bactericide soap or base into debris cans afterwards they’ve been done and accustomed to dry; it acts as a abhorrent to flies.

Mice. Use peanut adulate as allurement for mousetraps. You can displace the accessories and bolt several mice afore you charge to add added bait.
Mosquito repellents. Plant basil and pansies about the patio and abode to repel mosquitoes. Excellent buried about the home repels flies. Accumulate basil able-bodied watered so it produces a stronger scent. Broiled arena basil leaves, larboard in baby bowls or afraid in muslin bags, are additionally effective.
Moths. Accomplish sachets of broiled lavender or according portions of rosemary and mint. Abode in closets, drawers or bankrupt containers to mothproof garments.
Natural repellents. Fill vases and pots with geraniums or eucalyptus — bugs break abroad from their scents.
Silverfish. To get rid of silverfish, put 1/4 inch of abrade in a small, straight-sided glass. Run a band of adhering band from basal to top on the outside. Silverfish will biking up the band and bead into the glass, but they won’t be able to get aback out. Abode a accessories in anniversary allowance breadth you’ve apparent silverfish.
Snails and slugs. To accumulate snails and slugs out of your garden, bore pie pans in the garden so the rims are even with the ground. Fill with beer. The slugs and snails will be admiring to the beer, which will be their final accident (as able-bodied as a admirable article assignment for kids who anticipate it’s air-conditioned to booze beer). Empty the pie pans back they get full.

Snails. Snails will about-face about and go the added way rather than cantankerous a careful bound of sand, adhesive or ashes.
Spiders. To abash spiders, aerosol abrading booze on windowsills.
Tacky flyswatter. For bake-apple flies and added tiny aerial insects that a approved fly swatter seems to miss, put a few strips of double-backed band on your flyswatter.
Tape that sucker. Don’t annihilate a bug ample on your wall, apparel or anywhere abroad it can stain. Aloof “apply” a band of tape; the bug adheres to it and can be disposed of.
Wasps. In a pinch, use beard aerosol to annihilate wasps. As continued as you get some of the artefact on their wings, they’ll go down.
Wasp repellent. Toilet-bowl deodorizers nailed by the door, placed abreast decay baskets or set on a windowsill will accumulate wasps away. They abhorrence the smell.

Whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs, assert bugs and aphids. Add 1 1/2 cups aqueous Ivory soap to 1 gallon baptize and mix well. Fill a aerosol with the bubbling band-aid and brume the leaves of plants and bushes to annihilate these pests.
Write to Mary Hunt at mary@everydaycheapskate.com, or c/o Everyday Cheapskate, 12340 Seal Beach Blvd., Suite B-416, Seal Beach, CA 90740.