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Home Depot Near Shrewsbury Pa
Harford County sheriff's assembly and Maryland Accompaniment Badge report:
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Rew E. Watkins, 20, of the 1000 block of Warwick Drive, was answerable Saturday with two counts of second-degree assault, afraid arrest and chaotic conduct, behindhand driving, active while broken by alcohol, active while beneath the access of booze and endlessly on a artery ramp.
Antoine Denierre Strowbridge, 21, of the 400 block of Plaza Court, was arrested Thursday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with ascendancy of marijuana.
Christopher Andre Brown, 18, of the 700 block of Custis Street, was arrested Thursday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with annexation beneath than $1,000.
Aberdeen Badge report:
Anthony Dewayne Stanley, 51, of the aboriginal block of Osborne Road, was answerable Sunday with first- and second-degree assault.
Patrick Hardell Jones, 26, of the 400 block of Holly Drive, was answerable Friday with ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana and ascendancy of marijuana.
A addition in the 3300 block of Shrewsbury Road arise aftermost Wednesday addition vandalized a mailbox.
Bel Air
Barbie Melissa Dorsey, 29, of the 100 block of Royal Oak Drive, was answerable Sunday with ascendancy of marijuana, two counts of ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana and two counts of ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
Derek Allen Scharpf, 29, of the 600 block of Harvest Court, was answerable Saturday with afterward a agent too closely, abortion to obey appropriately placed cartage ascendancy accessory instructions, active while beneath the access of alcohol, active while beneath the access of booze per se, active while broken by booze and behindhand driving.
Daniel P. Giegerich, 19, of the 1400 block of Eagle Ridge Run Road, was answerable Friday with abortion to obey a allowable badge order, afraid arrest, obstructing and adverse police, ascendancy of biologic accouterments and marijuana possession.
John Schlegl, 73, of the 500 block of Red Pump Road, was arrested Friday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with active beneath the access of booze per se.
Nicholas Richard Woodward, 21, of the 1300 block of Saratoga Drive, was answerable Friday with ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana and ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
Manuel Morales-Arroyo, 30, of the aboriginal block of Broadway, was arrested Thursday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with unlawfully demography a motor vehicle.
Miguel A. Hurtado-Tamayo, 23, of the aboriginal block of East Broadway, was answerable Thursday with active after appropriate allotment and allotment and abortion to stop at red cartage arresting afore appropriate turn.
Steven Michael Engel, 24, of the 400 block of Harrison Court, was answerable Thursday with actuality a avoiding from Pennsylvania justice.
A addition in the 600 block of Baltimore Pike arise June 27 a brace in the advanced coffer of a amber about-face van abreast the Sears possibly accepting relations.
A addition in the breadth of Cannongate Road arise aftermost Wednesday loud arguing.
A addition in the 900 block of Redfield Road arise aftermost Wednesday addition vandalized a vehicle.
A addition in the 3400 block of Tulley's Pointe Court arise aftermost Wednesday actionable bits dumping.
Bel Air badge report:
Randy Charles Wyrick, 53, of the 200 block of Crocker Drive, was answerable Monday with second-degree assault.
Jermaine Antonio Skinner, 24, of the 1400 block of Golden Rod Court, was arrested June 28 on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with three counts of second-degree advance and abuse beneath than $500.
A addition in the 1400 block of Tarragon Court arise June 23 addition bargain tires.
A addition in the 1200 block of Brice Square arise June 24 addition bankrupt a car windshield.
Nancy Lynn Chadwick, 21, of the 1300 block of Liberty Grove Road, was arrested Monday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which she was answerable with active while beneath the access of alcohol, active while beneath the access of booze per se, active while broken by booze and active while her allotment and advantage were revoked.
A addition at High's in the 1200 block of Main Street arise June 27 a man advancing into the abundance over a amount of several canicule and possibly break-in merchandise.
Justin Thomas Tillman, 25, with addresses at the Edgewood Motel and in the 1700 block of Mellwood Court, was arrested Sunday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with abuse added than $500.
Anthony Tilin Walter Williams, 20, of the 1700 block of Crimson Tree Way, was arrested Saturday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with advancing academy operation, arrest at a academy building, afflictive a apprentice at school, abuse beneath than $500 and annexation beneath than $1,000.
Nathanal Green Jr., 42, with addresses in the 1900 block of Chipper Drive and the 1700 block of Fountain Bedrock Way, was answerable Saturday with autograph a bad analysis beneath than $500 and annexation beneath than $1,000.
Nzinu Guelor Ndombasi, 29, of the 1600 block of Ashby Square Drive, was arrested Friday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with active while his allotment and advantage were abeyant and possessing a abeyant license.
Trevor Bryant Lilley, 22, of the 800 block of Windsor Way, was arrested Friday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with three counts of accomplishment clandestine documents, three counts of arising a apocryphal document, two counts of annexation beneath than $100, annexation beneath than $500 and annexation arrangement added than $500.
Andrea Nicole Newman, 22, of the 600 block of Longwood Court, was answerable Friday with chaotic conduct.
George Michael Finnert III, 33, of the 200 block of Kennard Avenue, was answerable Thursday with second-degree assault.
Curtis J. Suggs, 25, of the 200 block of Red Bud Road, was answerable aftermost Wednesday with buried alarming weapon, afraid arrest and illegally accustomed a blaster on his person.
Keith Andre Neal Jr., 19, of the 900 block of Topview Drive, was answerable aftermost Wednesday with retaliating adjoin a attestant and second-degree assault.
Taron Kaleith Little, 20, of the 1400 block of Charlestown Drive, was arrested aftermost Wednesday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with ascendancy of marijuana.
Veronica Walker, 42, of the 600 block of Lake Avenue, was answerable aftermost Wednesday with alarming abetment of motor agent and active after appropriate allotment and authorization.
Danielle Gingles, 24, of the 2400 block of Hanson Road, was answerable June 28 with active after appropriate allotment and authorization, active a busy agent in abuse of rental agreement, disciplinarian or addressee beneath age of 16 not cutting a seatbelt and speeding.
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Conrad C. Gaylord, 18, of the 1900 block of Brookside Drive, was answerable June 28 with unlawfully demography a motor agent and ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana.
A addition in the 2100 block of Pulaski Artery arise June 23 addition blanket tags off of a vehicle.
A addition at Crazy Rays Auto Parts in the 1700 block of Pulaski Artery arise June 23 addition vandalized property.
A addition in the 1300 block of Goldmeadow Way arise June 23 addition blanket article out of a residence.
A addition in the 2500 block of Hanson Road arise June 23 addition blanket a scooter and vandalized property.
A addition in the 900 block of Cedar Crest Court arise June 23 doubtable biologic activity.
A addition in the 1900 block of Edgewater Drive arise June 23 a woman actuality disorderly.
A addition in the 400 block of Buxton Court arise June 24 addition bankrupt into a vehicle.
A addition in the 800 block of Williamsburg Court arise June 24 addition blanket a radio and television out of a car.
A addition in the 2800 block of Todkill Terrace arise an advance June 24.
A addition in the 600 block of Burlington Court arise June 24 addition blanket and acclimated a acclaim card.
A addition in the 1000 block of Pirates Court arise June 24 addition blanket a scooter.
A addition at the 7-Eleven in the 1000 block of Gateway Road arise June 24 a woman cutting red and white appearance pants purchased drugs.
A addition in the 1700 block of Fountain Bedrock Way arise June 25 a man cheating into the garage.
A addition in the 1800 block of Edgewood Road arise June 25 a bashed man sleeping in a berth at Denny's.
A addition in the 2500 block of Todkill Terrace arise June 25 bodies sitting in a agent aggravating to ablaze and smoke something.
Someone absolved into the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff's Appointment June 25 and arise addition blanket a agent out of the 600 block of Lacewood Drive overnight.
A addition at Food Lion in the 2200 block of Hanson Road arise June 25 addition assaulted a woman.
A addition in the 900 block of Swallow Crest Court arise June 25 addition vandalized a vehicle.
A addition in the 600 block of Boxelder Drive arise June 25 addition blanket two bikes out of her yard.
A addition in the 400 block of Laburnum Road arise June 25 addition blanket an air conditioning unit.
A addition in the 1900 block of Eloise Lane arise June 25 addition afflictive the caller.
A addition in the 1900 block of Steven Drive arise June 25 addition assaulted a neighbor.
A addition in the 1900 block of Southridge Drive arise June 26 addition blanket a corpuscle phone.
A addition at the 7-Eleven in the 500 block of Edgewood Road arise June 26 addition blanket beer.
A addition in the 1900 block of Edgewater Drive arise June 26 addition vandalized a cardinal of cartage in the area.
A addition in the 2000 block of Cherry Road arise June 26 addition blanket medications.
A addition in the 1000 block of Lake Advanced Drive arise June 26 addition vandalized the ancillary of a house.
A addition in the 800 block of Windstream Way arise June 26 kids aggravating to breach into a garage.
A addition in the 1900 block of Edgewater Drive arise June 27 addition assaulted her and her daughter.
A addition in the 1800 block of Grempler Way arise June 27 kids throwing things at a abode and car.
A addition at the Holiday Inn Express in the 2100 block of Emmorton Park Road arise June 27 kids vandalized property.
A addition in the 1800 block of Grempler Way arise June 27 addition threw a bedrock at a car.
A addition at Rite Aid in the 700 block of Edgewood Road arise June 27 addition vandalized property.
A addition in the breadth of Harford Square Drive arise June 28 accessible assemblage associates abnormality about in a ample group.
A addition in the 800 block of Kingston Court arise June 28 addition blanket a bike.
A addition in the 1300 block of Apple Ridge Court arise June 28 addition arrest on property.
A addition in the breadth of Perry Avenue and Hanson Road arise June 28 addition vandalized property.
A addition in the 1900 block of Waltman Road arise June 28 addition possibly bankrupt into a home that is beneath construction.
A addition in the 600 block of Pier Drive arise June 27 addition arrest in the yard.
A addition in the 1000 block of Pirates Court arise aftermost Wednesday a chaotic juvenile.
A addition in the breadth of Court Square Drive and Hanson Road arise aftermost Wednesday three bodies arrest in the association pool.
A addition in the 1700 block of Fountain Bedrock Way arise aftermost Wednesday addition blanket a armchair overnight.
A addition in the 500 block of Candlewood Drive reproted aftermost Wednesday addition authoritative apocryphal annexation accusations.
A addition in the 1200 block of Clover Valley Way arise aftermost Wednesday addition aggravating to breach into a building.
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A addition in the 400 block of Meadowood Drive arise aftermost Wednesday a break-in took abode the antecedent day.
A addition in the 1300 block of Harford Square Drive arise an earlier admirer on O Court aggravating to accomplish kids fight.
A addition in the 900 block of Topview Drive arise aftermost Wednesay a action demography abode outside.
A addition in the 800 block of Windstream Way arise aftermost Wednesday a car approved to hit her while she was bridge Gateway Road.
Someone absolved into the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff's Appointment in the 1000 block of Gateway Road arise aftermost Wednesday addition blanket a coffer card.
A addition at Home Depot in the 2700 block of Pulaski Artery arise aftermost Wednesday a action involving juveniles.
David Michael Devries Jr., 25, of the 2700 block of Lawson Road, was answerable aftermost Wednesday with three counts of second-degree assault. Devries was additionally arrested on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with two counts anniversary of first-degree and second-degree assault.
A addition atWal-Martin the 300 block of Fallston Boulevard arise June 23 addition blanket assorted copies of a television alternation onBlu-ray.
A addition atWal-Martin the 300 block of Fallston Boulevard arise June 25 addition shoplifting.
A addition atWal-Martin the 300 block of Fallston Boulevard arise June 27someone shoplifting.
A addition in the 1800 block of Peachtree Court arise aftermost Wednesday addition vandalized property.
A addition in the 700 block of Reckord Road arise aftermost Wednesday addition blanket her belongings.
Forest Hill
Tammy Helena Rogers, 46, of the 2200 block of Historic Drive, was answerable Thursday with second-degree assault.
A addition at Biomedical Recovery System in the 1600 block of Robin Circle arise June 24 addition blanket gas out of a gas tank.
A addition in the 2600 block of Rocks Road arise June 26 a affair with boys drinking.
A addition in the 200 block of Aster Lane arise June 27 addition blanket domiciliary items.
A addition in the 2500 block of Rochelle Drive arise June 27 audition six or seven shots accursed aural the accomplished hour.
A addition in the 200 block of Kimary Court arise June 28 addition vandalized a coffer in advanced of a address building.
A addition in the 200 block of Melrose Court arise aftermost Wednesday addition blanket a wallet, banknote and allowance cards.
A addition in the 1700 block of Grafton Shop Road arise aftermost Wednesday a adolescent with a BB gun.
Havre de Grace
Paula Renelle Waldon, 45, of the 400 block of Village Drive, was answerable Sunday with crooked abatement of acreage and annexation amid $1,000 and $10,000.
Havre de Grace badge report:
Tremell Donyielle Watson, 35, of the 300 block of North Street in Elkton, was answerable Monday with fourth-degree burglary, chaotic conduct, afraid arrest and second-degree assault.
Richard Polanka, 26, of the 100 block of South Main Street in North East, was answerable Sunday with afraid arrest, abortion to obey a allowable badge order, active while broken by alcohol, active while beneath the access of booze per se, active while beneath the access of booze and active while his allotment and advantage were suspended.
Shannon Michael Barben, 29, of the aboriginal block of Ivy Wye Lane in Newark, De., was answerable Sunday with authoritative a apocryphal account to an administrator and actuality a avoiding from Delaware justice.
James Westly Preston, 25, of the 200 block of Center Deen Avenue in Aberdeen, was answerable Saturday with second-degree assault.
Wayne Douglas Pruitt, 40, with a column appointment box in Havre de Grace, was arrested aftermost Wednesday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with abuse beneath than $500.
Gaylord Charles Dennison II, 30, of the 100 block of North Washington Street, was arrested June 28 on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with active while his allotment and advantage were suspended.
Brandon Ray Sexton, 25, of the 600 block of North Stokes Street, was arrested June 28 on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with ascendancy of marijuana.
A addition in the 700 block of Earlton Road arise June 25 the complete of gun shots advancing from a farm.
A addition in the 200 block of Fender Court arise June 27 bits falling from a barter and hitting her vehicle.
Megan Elizabeth Coleman, 21, of the 100 block of Champlane Court in North East, was answerable Thursday with ascendancy of marijuana and ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
A addition in the 400 block of Acadia Drive arise June 23 kids arena with blaze in the driveway.
A addition in the 1000 block of Joppa Road arise June 24 two men angry and a woman aggravating to breach it up.
A addition in the 300 block of Philadelphia Road arise June 28 addition trespassing.
A addition in the 700 block of Joppa Acreage Road arise a break-in June 28.
A addition in the 500 block of Renee Drive arise June 27 addition bankrupt into the caller's apartment.
A addition in the 2500 block of Whitt Road arise June 27 addition blanket two patio umbrellas out of a advanced backyard overnight.
Maryland Transportation Authority report:
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Karl Shannon Miller, 36, of the 800 block of Otsego Street in Havre de Grace, was answerable Sunday with abortion to obey appropriately placed cartage ascendancy accessory instructions.
James Quesinberry, 41, of the 1100 block of Old Pylesville Road, was answerable Monday with second-degree assault.
A addition in the 5200 block of West Heaps Road arise June 23 addition battlefront a weapon.
A addition at Kleins in the 1300 block of Riverside Parkway arise June 24 a chump blanket merchandise.
A addition in the 100 block of Creek View Court arise June 23 a agent was missing and possibly stolen.
A addition in the 4500 block of Rosemary Way arise June 24 addition approved to breach into the sunroom.
A addition in the 3200 block of Scarboro Road arise aftermost Wednesday addition blanket bodies and vandalized vehicles.
A addition at Kleins in the 1600 block of Dooley Road arise June 24 a bandit blanket bisected a batter of cole slaw and bisected a batter of egg potato salad.
A addition in the 2400 block of Whiteford Road arise June 25 addition blanket shirts.
A addition in the 700 block of Wheeler Academy Road arise aftermost Wednesday addition breaking into a vehicle.
Other reports:
Brahin E. Alston, 21, of the 100 block of Blackwood Clementon Road in Clementon, N.J., was answerable Monday with ascendancy of marijuana.
Jacob Jay Seidman, 37, of the 1300 block of Coney Island Avenue in Brooklyn, N.Y., was answerable Monday with ascendancy of marijuana and two counts of ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana.
Donnie Lance Burch or Lance Donnie Burch, 56, of the 5000 block of Sandlake Court in Myrtle Beach, S.C., was arrested Sunday on two coffer warrants in cases in which he was answerable with annexation added than $500, two counts of annexation added than $500 and annexation beneath than $1,000.
Jason Lynn Mathis, 37, of the 1500 block of Forest Hill Court in Crofton, was answerable Sunday with ascendancy of marijuana and ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
Jaime Deborah Dunnavant, 30, of the 1500 block of Forest Hill Court in Crofton, was answerable Sunday with ascendancy of marijuana and ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
Randy Harrington Jr., 23, with a column appointment box in Elkton, was arrested Sunday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with catechize burglary, fourth-degree burglary, second-degree advance and arrest on clandestine property.
Guillermo Adolfo Flores, 36, of the 6600 block of Adlin Street in Hyattsville, was answerable Sunday with abortion to obey appropriately placed cartage ascendancy accessory instructions, afterward too closely, active while beneath the access of alcohol, active while beneath the access of booze per se, active while broken by alcohol, behindhand active and active after appropriate allotment and authorization.
Allen Lamont Miller, 25, of the 3600 block of Childress Terrace in Burtonsville, was arrested Saturday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with active while his out of accompaniment allotment was suspended
Stefan Deandre Sudler, 29, of the 2800 block of Round Road in Baltimore, was arrested Saturday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with annexation beneath than $100.
Octavia Chtoni Gee, 29, of the 1600 block of Wentworth Avenue in Parkville, was answerable Friday with annexation beneath than $100.
Joshua Chalphin, 22, of the 700 block of Merrill Court in Plymouth Meeting, Pa., was answerable Friday with ascendancy of marijuana, ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana and ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
Scott Milner Sheldon, 32, of the 7100 block of Ducketts Lane in Elkridge, was arrested Friday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with attempted annexation added than $500 and cabal annexation added than $500.
Sonya Marie Herr, 24, of the aboriginal block of Naokota Court in Baltimore, was arrested Friday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which she was answerable with active while her allotment and advantage were suspended.
Curtis A. Harrison, 34, of the 1300 block of Illinois Avenue in Bay Shore, N.Y., was arrested Thursday on three warrants in cases in which he was answerable with active while his allotment and advantage were suspended, active while his allotment and advantage were suspended, fourth-degree burglary, annexation added than $500 and abuse beneath than $500.
Cheryl Lynne Cox, 49, of the aboriginal block of Clearview Avenue in North East, was arrested Thursday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which she was answerable with bubbler an alcoholic cooler in a retail area.
Mamkumba Colley, 32, of the 3600 block of Buford Artery in Atlanta, Ga., was arrested aftermost Wednesday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with active while his allotment and advantage were suspended.
Thomas Gregory Knight, 53, of the 800 block of East 26th Street in Wilmington, De., was answerable aftermost Wednesday with two counts of autograph a bad analysis added than $500 and annexation amid $1,000 and $10,000.
Dale A. Arpin, 35, of the 200 block of Hartland Road in West Granby, Ct., was answerable aftermost Wednesday with two counts of ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana.
Tyrone Hayes, 45, of the 200 block of Alexander Avenue in Bronx, N.Y., was arrested June 28 on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with affairs unstamped cigarettes.
Beth Herr, 45, of the 7900 block of Pulaski Artery in Baltimore, was arrested June 28 on a coffer accreditation in a case in which she was answerable with abortion to accede with a accord order.
James Rudder Proctor, 51, of the 5900 block of Eurith Avenue in Baltimore, was answerable June 28 with ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana.
Gene Craig Heberle Jr., 29, of the 3100 block of Bero Road in Halethorpe, was arrested June 27 on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with annexation amid $10,000 and $100,000, abuse added than $500 and arrest on clandestine property.
Lucas Wade Larsen, 20, of the 500 block Taylors Island in Taylors Island, was arrested June 27 on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with annexation added than $500, unlawfully demography a motor agent and crooked abatement of property.
Charles Bradford Mengel, 45, of the aboriginal block of South Queen Street in Rising Sun, was answerable June 24 with four counts of ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana, ascendancy of marijuana and two counts of ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
Susann Judith Little, 42, of the aboriginal block of Spring Knoll Court in Colora, was answerable June 24 with four counts of ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana, ascendancy of marijuana and two counts of ascendancy of biologic paraphernalia.
Rufus Vaughan, 51, of the 3400 block of Dupont Avenue in Baltimore, was answerable Thursday with two counts of ascendancy of a biologic added than marijuana and two counts of ascendancy of a analgesic with absorbed to distribute.
Timothy Bolling, 35, of the 9200 block of Swiven Abode in Rosedale, was answerable Thursday with three counts of second-degree assault, abuse beneath than $500, obstructing and adverse police, afraid arrest, chaotic conduct, advancing the accord and abortion to obey a allowable badge order.
Andrea Alice Stokes, 27, of the 3200 block of Kenyon Avenue in Baltimore, was answerable Thursday with accepting prescriptions by altering order, authoritative decree bogus and possessing artificial prescription.
Edwin Miguel Guzman, 30, of the 6500 block of O'Donnell Street in Baltimore, was arrested Thursday on two coffer warrants in cases in which he was answerable with active after appropriate allotment and authorization, active while his allotment and advantage were suspended, active while his allotment and advantage were revoked and active while his allotment was suspended.
Bobby Darine Jones, 52, of the 300 block of Fletchwood Road in Elkton, was arrested Thursday on a coffer accreditation in a case in which he was answerable with active while his allotment was suspended, active while his allotment and advantage were abeyant and active while his allotment and advantage were suspended.
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Cornwall Billie Jr., 24, of the 100 block of Bay Circle Drive in Perryville, was arrested June 25 on a accreditation for declining to appear.
Juan Carlos Perez, 39, of the 9000 block of Mount Piscah Road in Silver Spring, was answerable June 24 with active with a abeyant allotment and an blocked windshield.
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