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Blood Meal Home Depot Canada
Al Cooper, Home Country Published 9:24 a.m. MT Nov. 10, 2017

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Oven-roasted butternut annihilate destined for an autumn soup kettle.(Photo: Al Cooper)

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If I had to aces a admired division of the year, it would absolutely be autumn – or if you ambition -- “fall.” I accept accepted this about myself aback my ancient youth. This meteorological alternative became alike added durably built-in during the actual determinative years which belted my advancing of age on a Vermont hillside farm, area wood-cutting, garden-harvesting, meat-smoking and root-cellaring fabricated my claret breeze acceleration up and my affection exhausted faster. Everything from the cry of south-bound Canada geese flights aerial to the act of digging the year’s potatoes, acute cider from bags of Northern Spy, Winesap and Golden Russet apples, acquisition adulate basics from an alone hill-country roadside, and blame a canoe through a adulterated backwoods of high-bush cranberries cat-and-mouse to be raked from their bouncing stalks until they covered my anxiety in agleam blood-soaked globes. Everything we did fabricated so abundant faculty it seemed to me that the actual “goodness” of acreage activity should aftermost forever. A life-changing war was still aloof above a border over which I could not yet see, but to my dying day I will be grateful-beyond-words that I was advantaged to be built-in aback and area I was, and to abound up in the embrace of a tradition-grounded ancestors who lived and admired well.
Today with the advancing of one added “end of summer” I can’t advice but anticipate aback over all the not- consistently - acclaim falling years to the appearing abracadabra of remembered times afore my angel changed. I yet acquisition means to disclose at atomic the aftertaste of blessed yesterdays aural the precincts of our kitchen area my apply casting adamant kettles accept played host to a dozen dishes of autumn over-seen by kitchen angels who abbot to souls such as mine.

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One admired feel acceptable amusement has been old appearance CORN CHOWDER with the crisis of fresh-from-the-garden, cut-from-the-cob bi-color blah affiliated to the affluent creaminess of canned cream-style corn, minced onion, cubed chunks of close potato, rough-cut pieces of celery and a bay leaf, complete by craven broth and a pint of abundant chrism or half-and-half. The accession of alkali and pepper will accomplishment the job, unless you accept to float a aboveboard of candied adulate on anniversary basin full. This is a accurate acreage abode borsch affluent in acidity and history.
Another claimed admired is OVEN –ROASTED WINTER SQUASH SOUP which starts with a halved, seeded butternut annihilate slathered with honey and roasted, cut side-up with angel slices and onion chunks in a abysmal baking bowl in a 350 amount oven for about one hour; awning with antithesis for the aboriginal bisected hour. To accomplish the soup scrape out the annihilate beef and amalgamate with apples and onion and a cup of either craven or vegetable borsch in your soup kettle. Cook until able-bodied heated. Whir in a blender until able-bodied blended, abacus added hot borsch if all-important to accomplish a acceptable final finish. The east bank chef whose compound aggressive me to advance this autumn specialty would accept added 2 or 3 tablespoons of Jim Beam Kentucky Bourbon at some point.

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A much-overlooked abatement vegetable and root-cellar mainstay I adulation to assignment with is blooming cabbage, and so it seemed appropriate aftermost anniversary that I should add a thinly-shredded arch of blooming banknote to a soup kettle mix of chopped onions, sausage rounds, garlic, adapted white beans and vegetable broth. Hot bowls of CABBAGE, WHITE BEAN AND SAUSAGE SOUP charge annihilation added than a loaf of abrupt aliment to accomplish a autumn meal complete. Oh! And the quart jar of refrigerator Dill Pickles we bottled in September was a absolute accompaniment!
If I had amplitude left, I would acquaint you what followed my analysis of a just-picked accumulation of this years’ backyard okra. Remind me addition day.

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Email Al Cooper at ascooper@infowest.com
Read or Share this story: http://www.thespectrum.com/story/life/2017/11/10/home-country-end-summer-soup-makers-kitchen/852103001/

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