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The stands are about archaic — a brace of planks laid amid two popples, or maybe nailed to the lower branches of a white pine. Maybe the hunter has busted a few abbreviate pieces of two-by-fours amid the accompanying trunks of copse to be acclimated as accomplish in aggressive to the stand.
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Usually, the accomplish and the bend itself are in some avant-garde date of decomposition. Graying with age and exposure, the boards are able-bodied on their way to actuality recycled by the elements. The stands are charcoal of a simpler deer-hunting time.
Many of these old stands accept continued outlived their use-by dates, and they won't be replaced. County, accompaniment and federal policies, ordinances or rules now appoint absolutely what deer stands may attending like, or whether they can be placed on some accessible acreage at all. Those rules came about to anticipate the architecture of busy stands that resembled flat apartments in the aspen dupe and to action some admeasurement of aegis for loggers and their equipment.
I'll accept I accept a adventurous amore for some of those old, corrupt stands. I would like to apperceive who sat there on algid November mornings, and how he or she kept warm. I attending about back I appear beyond these simple platforms and browse the surrounding forest. I try to brainstorm what it ability accept looked like 20 or 30 years before. I try to assumption area a whitetail blade ability accept ghosted through that country — about a swamp, forth a backbone — or area he ability accept paused to leave his aroma in a scrape on the backwoods floor. It's usually difficult, though, to re-create such scenarios. Time has afflicted the dupe too abundant back that hunter already sat there.
The hunters who congenital these abecedarian stands so continued ago did so after the account of four-wheelers to booty in their architecture materials. They had to backpack their barge and nails and accoutrement in an old Duluth pack, and they had to backpack the bigger pieces on their shoulders. You'd accept congenital a simple stand, too, carriage its pieces that way.

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The bend I came beyond the added day was on clandestine land. I was with bickering hunters whose ancestors associates endemic the land. This bend wasn't one of the simple, old-timey ones, gray and lichen-dappled. This one was of contempo vintage, free-standing on athletic posts, absolute stairs arch to the roofed, amid shelter. It was aboveboard at every corner. The barge looked as if it had been hauled abroad from Menards or Home Depot a few weeks earlier.
The hunter who carries a burglarize up those stairs in November will sit in about comfort, attractive out at the dupe through a account window of attenuate air. If the day is cool, the hunter acceptable will accept a baby boiler central demography the arctic off the morning.
And this bend was still semi-primitive compared to some — it had no sliding Plexiglas windows.
Today's deer hunters are blessed to barter their grandfather's 270-degree ambit of the backwoods for a narrower acreage of appearance — and affirmed warmth. A deer hunter can sit a lot best back she can still feel her toes.

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Some things accept not changed, though, for those who sit in the whitetail woods. Deer hunting remains, in best cases, a aloof affair. The hunter sits, looks, listens. Perhaps the hunter replays the scenarios in which he attempt antecedent bucks from this aforementioned bend point.
But the coursing is not all about the achievability of the shot. As the hunter sits, he or she additionally thinks. About life. About her job. About the kids. About crumbling parents. And, over and over again, about the allowance of a deer actualization area there had abandoned been chestnut besom and saplings before.
Perhaps a banty will acreage on the axle of the bend and erect its head, aggravating to amount out all of that orange clothing. Perhaps not.
And if a deer accomplish out, it will be the hunter's accommodation abandoned whether to booty the attempt or to canyon on it. Is the bend right? Is the ambit reasonable? Is there too abundant undergrowth? Can I accomplish a apple-pie shot? Should I delay for a bigger candidate?

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Long ago, Aldo Leopold addressed this eloquently in "A Sand County Almanac."
"A appropriate advantage in wildlife ethics," he wrote, "is that the hunter commonly has no arcade to acclaim or blame of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than by a mob of onlookers. It is difficult to amplify the accent of this fact."
Deer stands appear and go with the years. But the capital advantage and albatross of the deer hunter charcoal unchanged.

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